How will Augmented Reality Technology Change our Future?

6 min readJul 4, 2020


Every technology that is coming is playing its role in human progress. Augmented reality technology is one of the future changing technologies. AR is helping many fields to lift them. Here are ten ways that augmented reality will change our future.

Augmented Reality Technology in Navigation

Nowadays, we have to travel a lot in different locations, and the right path is essential for reaching the destination on time. Many map applications help you to guide your destination, but if we visualize our way. The use of Augmented reality technology interface on mobile devices or car touch screen gives multi-support in traffic. The installed system will guide you point to point directions of the gas pump, hotel, or your destination.

It will also guide you to choose that path to get rid of the traffic rush. You will be able to see augmented reality technology on the car’s screen in the future. These car’s screen display will show you all stats about the car and suggest you parking, hotels and pump via the screen.


Suppose you have thousands or millions of dollars project meetings with your company or client, and you are far from them. In that scenario, you are unable to reach the meeting but attend via screen platform. The absence of yourself may not create your or your’s company impact on the client. Your fewer interaction may also lose the deal with the client. But augmented reality technology will help you using telepresence technology.

It will create an avatar of the missing person in the meeting. It will feel like a person is sitting with you on the table despite how far the person is. Telepresence will also help the shoe shops. Instead of setting all the shoes in the shop, telepresence will create images of it. This technology will reduce the shopkeeper’s time, and they can hide shoes when they want.

Augmented Reality Technology will Revolutionize the Travel Industry

Before going to the particular visiting place, many of us try to search related pics on the search engine. In most cases, it is difficult for us to decide whether to go there or not. But the augmented reality technology helps us to make an important decision. The augmented reality of any place can attract visitors.

Finding a hotel room at your destination is also a difficult task by going to every hotel. Most of the time, we have a cell phone in our hand, and we book it via cell phone. But when you reach your hotel room, sometimes there dissatisfaction. The augmented reality of hotels and restaurants can attract visitors, which can revolutionize the travel industry.

Augmented Reality Technology in Health Care

The use of Augmented reality technology has changed the whole image of healthcare. Now AR scanner has come. These scanners are helping the doctors to view of what is going inside the body before they operate. Echopixels tools are assisting the doctors in creating a 3D model of the CT pics of the patients.

These models are reducing patient’s health risks and helping doctors to cure patients as fast as they can. It is also helping to do surgery in a testing environment before doing it in the actual situation. It does not mean doctors are not qualified; instead, it will help them to increase their experience in surgeries.

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Augmented Reality Task Assistant

An augmented reality task assistant is an emerging technology that allows experts to guide technicians visually. This concept is taken from computers where one person gives their computer control to the second person to solve computer problems. The same idea is built in the AR task assistant. In that scenario, technicians connect with experts sitting in the center or a headquarter.

In this technology, both images and videos are broadcast in real-time. The combination of both techniques creates solution guidance for technicians. AR assistants are also helping blind people to guide them on a path. Blind people have to wear glasses after that; it instructs blind people to reach their destination.

Augmented Reality Remote Assistance

Designing and Manufacturing

In previous times the concept of visualization was not there. They had to go through many steps to complete the product, and after many levels, they create a product. So there was a risk of product working and feedback. Those days are gone, and now augmented reality technology allows you to create a 3D model of any project.

Now Modelers will modify their plan in real-time. They can also get feedback from stakeholders about the model. It will help creators to make changes before implementation. The 3D modeling will reduce the project creation time, and it can meet the expectations of the market.

Education and Training

Education is essential to learn and grow, but this education gives you skills if you implement your knowledge. The augmented reality technology creates a 3D model that helps them to learn more deeply. The advantage of AR in education is that it helps a person to experience a situation and live it virtually.

Now many humans and electrical circuit augmented reality is implementing and sensing, and sound information is also helping to get experience. According to the researcher, the 3D experience of anything allows learners to do their work effectively in the field. Therefore this technology has a massive scope in the field of education and training.


Augmented reality technology has entered the entertainment world. The results of AR in entertainment is very profitable. One of the most popular game Pokemon is made on the concept of AR. AR is also using in the many cameras in the form of filters. One of the most popular app Snapchat is using AR technology.

One of the reasons behind the progress of AR games is that it seems more natural. The future of AR in entertainment is very high, and there will be many games that will adopt AR.

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Impact on Home

Savant CEO Robert Madonna said: “AR will have a big impact on everyone’s home,”.

Augmented reality technology allows users to interact with images of each room without installing cameras in each room. AR helps to adjust everything at home before you purchase. There are many cameras like Ikea place, Houzz, and Homesnap, which help you to fit furniture before you buy.

There are thousands of furniture available on these websites. You can check for space in your home there apps before purchasing anything.

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Augmented Reality Technology in Shopping and Retail

As Augmented reality technology is lifting all the fields, it is also improving the customer’s experience. There are many shopping apps which are providing demo to customers and helping them to choose the product. Ikea app is providing the 3D models of the product and how it would look like in the home

AR is developing the payment method, which is assisting the companies in reducing fraud. In future AR will create shopping more exciting.

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Originally published at on July 4, 2020.




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