Top 5 Dog Breeds for Family

Muhammad Saad
3 min readJul 26, 2021

Why Dogs?

The best companion your kids can have to have fun within the house or in the park is Dog. Dogs are the best playmates to have. We always want to have a dog, but while getting a dog for a family, a thought pops up in mind that which breed of Dog you should consider. Every breed of Dog has different temperaments. A calmer dog is what you want for you and your children. The personality of the Dog depends on its temperament. Calmer dogs are best for your family, and they have the ability to form a strong bond with your children and be a great companion.

“A Dog is the only thing on Earth that loves you more than himself” — JOSH BILLINGS.

1) Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever is the best Dog you can have for your family. They are the friendliest dogs. They know how to make a bond with family. They are very active, and they do not hesitate in showing their energy levels. They are very kind and protective. They come in three colors which are Black, Brown, and Yellow. Their barking level is medium. They are also good with other dogs. Their life expectancy is about 10–12 years.

Golden Retriever

2) Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever is one of the friendliest dogs. Moreover, they are intelligent as well. Their patience level is very high, which makes them a good companion for kids. They are very energetic, and they also need daily exercise. Golden Retriever knows how to get along with other pets. They only bark when it is necessary. Their life expectancy is about 10–12 years.

3) Beagle


They have all the qualities to set in a family. Their temperament is outstanding. They’re always ready to play. They love to explore the outside world. They also know how to get along with other pets. They are intelligent dogs, and they respond well to the call of their owners. Their life expectancy is 10–15 years. Their temperament and energy level make them the best choice for families.

4) Irish Setter

Irish Setter

Irish setters are famous for their red coats. They are highly active dogs which means they love to spend their time exploring the outdoor world. They know how to get along with other pets. They often feel sad when they left in the house. Furthermore, they are at their best when around family. This shows that they are very friendly and make themselves a good choice for families. They only bark when it is necessary. Their life expectancy is about 10–15 years.

5) Poodle


Poodles are known for their elegance. They are known as one of the most intelligent breeds in the world. If they are left alone, then they can get quite aggressive, but those owners who will take care of them will find them loving, smart, and a good companion for their family. They are also Dog friendly and also friendly towards strangers. They love to play. Their energy level is good, and they do not bark too much. Their life expectancy is about 12–15 years.

These are one of the best family dogs you can get to enjoy your life with your loved ones.

I hope you are doing well. Have a good day.

