How To Adjust Fingerprint Sensor On Android 6 Ways

4 min readMar 31, 2022


Hey, guys in this article, I will tell you how to adjust fingerprint sensor on android.

Many errors can occur in your Android phone, all varying in weight. One component that can be very vulnerable to breakage is the fingerprint sensor and for obvious reasons.

How To Adjust Fingerprint Sensor On Android

For many people, a fingerprint sensor is an easy way to access most of their money online. It also allows you to access your smartphone immediately without the need for a long password.

If the fingertips do not work, you will find yourself constantly hitting the sensor without an answer. You may need to get used to the fact that your fingerprint sensor will never turn on your phone again.

Fortunately, you do not have to use it. In this article, we will explain some of the reasons why fingerprint sensors should not work and how to fix fingerprint sensors that do not work on Android.

How To Adjust Fingerprint Sensor On Android

There are some fixes to try before you connect your phone to a professional to replace the sensor. While some will be as easy as washing your fingers, others will be just as difficult. Here are some ways to fix a broken finger sensor on Android.

1. Wash your fingers.

The fingerprint sensor may be a hard piece of equipment in your phone, but it works very easily. Most finger sensors simply recognize the pattern of your finger when you place it on your finger.

If your hands are colored, then you should never register a finger on your phone. This is because the phone takes a snapshot of your stained hands, and may not turn on when your hands are clean.

Reversals can also be used in this case. If you get a clean finger score when setting up your phone, the sensor will start working if you try to put your hand smeared on it.

Since it is often easier to wash your hands than to keep them dirty, it is recommended that you try to wash your hands regularly while using your phone sensor. If the sensor only registers the finger correctly according to the inconsistency, a simple hack will fix the problem.

2. Clean the sensor with a cotton swab.

If the finger sensor is very clean, it should work perfectly, even if your hand has a few smudges. However, smudges travel from your finger to the sensor slowly, making the surface of the finger sensor very dirty.

At the same time, the ground of the finger sensor begins to interfere with the overall operation of the device. This answer is like getting your hands dirty, but this time, it’s the sensor itself.

For better cleaning, you can dampen a cotton swab with some alcohol. Soaking cotton wool in water can lead to another new problem as liquids and electricity are not known to be best friends.

When it seems that all the dirt on the finger sensor has been completely removed, you can try again with the finger sensor to see if it works. If it is not, you can try to fix it next.

3. Recalibrate/register your finger again.

When most people simply delete their fingerprint data from their device accessing other data, there are many ways to do it better. Before explaining the best way, it is important to know why you should re-measure your finger for some time.

As you grow older, your fingers also get a little bigger. The fingerprint you registered when setting up your current phone will be too small, resulting in a fingerprint failure.

To solve this problem, you can re-measure your fingerprint by deleting the fingerprint data from the safe settings in the Android settings. You can then re-register the fingerprint by adding another registration to help the sensor work properly.

However, for best results, you can re-register your finger without deleting previous files. This will add your new fingers without removing what you already have. Logically, this should help the finger sensor work better, and luckily, it can.

However, setting up another finger with the same finger for two students can be very difficult. Your phone will refuse most of your fingerprinting operations because of the presence of similar fingerprints on the device.

If you can overcome the challenge and register your finger more than once, you will never have to worry about the correct finger again.

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