Feelings after writing a gratitude letter to my best friend

Muhammad Siddique
2 min readAug 25, 2023


In the hustle and bustle of life, we often find ourselves swept away by the currents of responsibilities, challenges, and goals. But sometimes, there comes a person who stands as a steadfast lighthouse, guiding us through stormy seas and celebrating our sunny days. For me, that person is my best friend, Asmatullah Bhai.

I recently penned a gratitude letter to him, attempting to capture the immense depth of my feelings within mere words. It’s incredible how much one person can impact another’s life, and Asmatullah Bhai has done just that. Through thick and thin, he’s been my rock, offering a helping hand, a listening ear, and unwavering support.

In a world where genuine connections are often overshadowed by digital noise, writing this letter was a way to pause, reflect, and express my gratitude for having Asmatullah Bhai in my life. It’s a reminder that amidst life’s chaos, there are individuals who redefine friendship and leave an indelible mark on our hearts. I cannot explain the sense of achievement I had when I handed him this letter. He blushed a lot while reading it and suddenly got up and embraced me. We had tears in our eyes.

To Asmatullah Bhai, my confidant, motivator, and partner-in-crime, thank you for being the extraordinary person you are. This letter, inadequate as it may be, is a small token of my appreciation for the immeasurable impact you’ve had on my life’s journey. Here’s to many more adventures together, and to a friendship that words can’t fully encompass.

P.S. Please ignore the simplicity and roughness of the letter. We are very much informal with each other and love to keep it this way.

