API Authentication and Authorization

Muhammad Taif Khan
2 min readJan 12, 2023

What is an API?

An Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of protocols, routines, and tools used to build software applications. It defines the way components communicate with each other, allowing developers to control and manage the flow of data between applications.APIs are commonly used to connect different applications, allowing them to share data and services.

API Authorization and Authentication:

Any API design that is successful must include two key elements: authorization and authentication of the API.

Both processes help ensure that only authorized users can access an application’s data and services.

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While they are related, there are important differences between API authorization and authentication that need to be understood.


API authentication is the process of verifying a user’s identity before granting them access to a service or resource. It is typically accomplished through a username/password combination or an OAuth token.

This ensures that only authorized users can access the application’s data and services. Authentication is often used as the first step in a multi-stage authorization process.


API authorization is the process of granting permission to a user after they have been authenticated.

It is typically accomplished through roles, permissions, or a combination of both.

Roles are predefined sets of permissions that can be assigned to users. Permissions define what a user can or cannot do within an application.

Once a user has been authenticated and their role or permissions have been determined, they may be granted access to specific resources or services.

The distinction between API authorization and authentication is important to understand. Authentication is used to verify a user’s identity and grant access to an application.

Authorization is used to determine what permissions a user has and what resources and services they can access.

A well-designed authorization system will ensure that only authorized users can access the application’s data and services while protecting it from unauthorized access.

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Muhammad Taif Khan

S/W Dev | Freelancer | Loves writing about Programming and sometimes money making | Support me? https://www.buymeacoffee.com/muhammadtaif