What is Mindset? Fix Mindset and Growth Mindset and How Mindsets Are Formed?

Muhammad Usman
4 min readJan 8, 2023


Welcome to My First blog. Its winter evening and recently I attend a training session on Mindset and here I will talk about what is mindset and how are mindsets formed. The mind is very powerful tool and the way it thinks makes you who you are as a person also known as mindset, this thinking pattern or your frame of mind impacts how you make sense of the world as well as of yourself.

In other words, a mindset is a set of beliefs and thoughts which influence the way you handle any given situation. It pretty much dictates your personality, helping you sort out what’s going on around you, and what you should do about it.

Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset:

Researcher and Professor Carol Dweck uses the term “mindset” to describe the way people think about ability and talent. Dweck act delineate between two different mindsets that exist on a continuum.

The first is the fixed mindset which suggests that your abilities are innate and unchangeable. The second is growth mindset, which views it as something you can improve through practice. In a fixed mindset you view failure as permanent. But with a growth mindset you see failure as a chance to learn and even pivot. Those with affixed mindset are more likely to view critical feedback as a personal attack while those with a growth mindset will see it as a chance to improve and develop a new system.

With a fixed mindset you’re more likely to choose easier tasks and put in minimal effort. After all if talent is fixed why bother improving? Why even try? But with the growth mindset you’re more likely to embrace challenging tasks and work hard to improve. Those with a fixed mindset are likely to give up when they face an obstacle. Meanwhile those with the growth mindset will view obstacles as a chance to experiment and solve problems. In a fixed mindset the focus is on measureable accomplishments. But with a growth mindset the focus is more on a journey of continual improvement.

With a fixed mindset you’re less likely to take creative risks. But with a growth mindset creative risks are simply a way to innovate and improve. Ultimately your mindset influences everything from creative risk-taking to how you view feedback to whether or not you finish difficult task. In the end, it’s one of the greatest factor is determining whether or not you grow and improve in your abilities.

How Mindsets are formed?

Since time immemorial, people have thought, acted and fared differently from one another for the most part; commonsense dictates that these differences arise from the variances in people’s backgrounds, learning experiences and trainings. Plus, research also points in the same direction. So while experiences, backgrounds and training are all external variables, even internal variables like genetic makeup have a part to play.

Most experts today agree that forming a mindset is a combination of two. For instance, while everyone comes with a unique set of genetics, their experiences, training and personal efforts take them the rest of the way. So your life experiences and genetics together help frame your attitude and beliefs. And since both have an important part to play in your mindset, it helps to know what these two factors are all about.

First off, your attitude to something is how you think or feel about it, especially when it shows in the way you behave. Your attitude can have different components such as an emotional component or how something or someone makes you feel. Then there is cognitive component which is how or what you think about the subject. This is finally followed by the behavioral component which shows how you behave when confronted by the subject.

Then there are your beliefs which are merely feelings of certainty about something. Beliefs are based on ideas and when at a specific point, these ideas start to feel certain, they turn into beliefs. Beliefs, in turn shape your attitude which in turn shape your mindset. Attitudes and beliefs then give rise to habits which are direct reflection of your mindset. Perhaps the most common and well known example of a mindset is seeing the glass as “half empty” or “half full”, the question is, which one are you? And which side of the equation would you like to focus on?

I felt quite interesting that in the search to understand more about “mindset”, I also learnt a lot about “Fixed mindset” and “Growth mindset” and how “fixed mindset” is popular among us. I came to conclusion that “Growth mindset” are essential for a person to grow. We have to follow the traits of growth mindset it will help us to sole our daily life problems.

If this blog has helped you in some way, please don’t forget to appreciate me with your feedback. Your feedback would give me support for my journey to become a more productive human in this world and to be a life changer.



Muhammad Usman

Business student. Forever curious, good-hearted and motivated by the world around me.