06 Easley Adoptable Strategies to Control Negative Thoughts and Develop Positive Ones for a More Promising Life

Muhammad Ismail
6 min readApr 16, 2023


Life is very precious and should be highly valued as it is given only once and is the creation of nature based on utmost love and care for mankind which is supposed to be led with full satisfaction and happiness, one of the best methods to be happy is to share happiness with others and it will for sure comeback one day, but life may be a burden when thoughts process are poorly managed, so fasted your seat belts and enjoy a journey to ultimate success and happiness in every field of life by shaping the thought process more positively, mentioned down in this write.

Thoughts are the building blocks of one life as we are shaped according to the pattern of our thoughts when the thoughts are negative they make life an unwanted burden and even in some cases it comes up in the shape of some serious problems like torturing own self, life becomes full of stress and anxiety, lose control and enjoyment even on those matters which are supposed to be enjoyed. The brain is the most unique organ of our body which generates power when it remains equipped with a positive attitude. The following Strategies should be adopted to control the negative thoughts and develop positive one to get the most out of life.

1. Identify The Negative Thoughts: The first step for finding a possible solution to any problem is to thoroughly identify and explore the matter similar is the case with negative thoughts. To get rid of this life bloodsucker problem is to remain aware of it, once it is realized through a regular practice of identifying bad thoughts it becomes convenient to control it, especially when one is in stress or in a state of grief, frustration, and anger. Negative thoughts should not be allowed to move freely in mind there should be a high level of attention towards them as they arise because leaving them a stray makes them more powerful but when they are engaged consciously through a belief that negative thoughts are my worst enemy and will not be given any importance to , with regular practice of this technique they lose its power in the subconscious mind as all these bad thoughts come by its own stored in the subconscious mind inherited from the social and cultural environment.

2. Control Negative Thoughts: Once the negative thoughts are identified it becomes easy to control and effectively managed them like having an approach in mind that ‘I am not going to be controlled by my horrible enemy which are negative thoughts’. The point is to consider the negative thought as a bad enemy whose primary job is to make us feel down, hopeless, and frustrated as such bad stuff are not the qualities of a well-wisher only a bad enemy makes one feel the same. One other pro step is whenever negative thoughts arise which makes feel bad immediately start considering that it’s not me which bring the negative thoughts, it’s the bad chemical in my mind which are left straying for so long that they become so powerful that they occupied most of the mind and directing us to remain negative which is a psychological proven concept. Once there is realization that negativity is a bad enemy and it should not be allowed to control our decision-making process makes the things to start proceeding in a useful direction.

3. Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Ones: Initially, it might be difficult to shift from negative to positive thoughts because, from the very beginning, the thoughts are left unchecked whether they are negative or positive but are allowed to getcontrol over the mind as a result the thoughts develop in our mind get negative because the negative thoughts are easy to be adopted as compared to positive thoughts because it’s human’s one of the very bad approach that it feels pity on own self and the primary role of negative thoughts is to feel self-pity and force to take terrible steps which have bad consequence, the point is to avoid self-pettiness as it empowers the negative thoughts. Moreover, negative thoughts are ego-satisfying and ego is also one of the bad companions which drained off useful energy. Hence it should be consider as a challenge that whatever the situation is good or bad there should be only positive approach and thoughts in mind instead of a negative one to lead a more balanced life and enjoy every moment of life.

4. Practice Positive Affirmations: Any sort of feelings and thoughts pattern can be well adopted when they are regularly repeated in heart and mind even verbally like when things in mind are negative one will say I am not be capable, I cannot do it when such type of things are repeated in heart and mind they become part of our personality on the other when stuff are supported by positive affirmation like I can do it and I am capable to accept any sort of challenge no matter what the situation is. With such type of positive affirmation our mind starts to develop a positive approach in subconscious mind because what is feed consciously to the mind are accepted by sub-conscious mind.

5. Practice Gratitude: It has been observed from various studies that those people who are grateful for what they have experience happiness and balanced life as it’s natural that having a grateful mindset opens the doors to new blessings because one become the same what is believed. It’s like a blockage in the way of a flowing stream full of blessings, once such blockage is removed with the help of practicing gratitude the flow of blessings finds its way to the concern. One of the techniques to develop a grateful mindset is observing and writing down at least three things every day one is grateful for. Practicing gratitude has a very prominent role in making the thought process positive as the positive thoughts generate amazing positive energy which can be channelized to get what one wants even unlimited wealth.

6. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness is a very powerful technique to remain in the present moment which allow feelings and thoughts to come and go without a judgmental mindset as it help to remain aware of the thought processes whether they are positive or negative. With the help of the mindfulness technique one becomes capable to focus on his thoughts pattern and being able to realize what is supposed to be retained and what is to let go. Mindfulness enable to enjoy life to the fullest because when we remain in the grief of the past and worries of the future we are only spoiling what is in the present moment which are supposed to be enjoyed. One of the methods to remain in the present time is to give full attention to what we are doing at the moment suppose when we wash our hands we need to focus on the scent of soup, the freshness and sound of waterfalls on our hands similarly when eating it require the attention to be fully focused on the food like enjoying the sensation of taste, with regular practice of this technique it becomes a habit to remain in the present moment. Things are here to be concluded with the final note, that the negative thoughts are not easy to be eliminated by replacing them with positive thoughts it requires a strong determination, time, and practicing the mentioned 06 strategies. The active focuse and patience are helpfull to make the thought process more positive which enable one to enjoy every moment of life fully instead of being surrounded by stress and worries. There is a simple rule for leading a problem-free life is to remain positive and focus on the good things in life because our mind attracts what it believes to be true. When the focus is on the problem there would be problems on the other hand when the focus is on the blessing there would be blessings all around. Wishing the best of luck in leading a more balanced and happy life.



Muhammad Ismail

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