Muhammad Ismail
7 min readSep 16, 2022


Mindset is the belief system in which we craft in mind what we are and what we will be in the future which is developed from a social environment mainly formulated from childhood experience, it mainly refers to the thought process in mind. Mindset has an important role in the success and failure of one’s life. Let’s explore this important topic and learn to make our lives better.

There are two basic factors of mindset formation which shape our physical and mental chemistry one is positive thinking and another is negative thinking.

Positive and Negative Mindset

A positive mindset is tough to be acquired as compared to a negative one due to the self pettiness which gives satisfaction for time being but in the long run, it will never work as its source is framed upon negativity. On the other hand, positive thinking improves our lives in the shape of a high level of confidence, gratitude, and protection from hypertension and other mental disorders.

This approach can be facilitated with the help of these sayings:

The optimist is someone who sees the donuts while the pessimist sees the hole

The pessimist complains about the noise when the opportunity knocks:

(Oscar Wilde)

Master Idea

The main theme of this article is to present the basics of personal growth for acquiring mastery in any domain, exceptionally the trending field of this global village. The most important point is to nurture a mindset. Mindset is something which we believe in our heart that, how many chances /possibilities there are to reach a well defined goal. Let this fact be hammered down in mind by lending high importance to it and never underestimate the role of mindset as it makes the real shift.

Limitations of Mindset

The bottleneck which limits this belief is resources dependence like having a scarcity of learning resources, physical resources, financial resources, living in facility-less localities, and so on hence if one desires to be an expert in any field make it a firm belief that in this world everything is possible if one comes out of resource dependence.

First of all make it a firm belief, how hard the journey is I will make it, and all those who determine/follow this approach succeed in most cases. Now the question that arises here is how this concept will work. The answer is quite simple, just need to understand and practically explore the undermentioned points.

Facing The Failure

First of all understand that in worst case scenario if one failed at a certain level never lose hope, in such a case make yourself speculate that I am responsible only for right and sincere intentions, proper and well-defined path/direction, hard work, and that I am not responsible for the output as future is unpredictable no one knows about the future, all we need is to act upon these points and leave the rest upon the nature. In case one failed after observing the above-mentioned points (Right Intentions, Right direction, Hard Work & not caring for the output) make it a firm belief that nature will award the same reward in one shape or another as granted to those who succeed and reach their destiny as nature never daunted anyone's right intentions and hard work carried out in the right direction.

The most important reward is that it adds value to this universal conception and makes it convenient for other mankind to get stuck to their goals without losing hope.

Strengthening The Belief System

So the point is to make it a firm belief in mind that I must be a winner in the game of reaching success because what has been thought the very same happens as things are tied up with the thoughts if a person thinks of success and focus on the positive things there are likely more chances of success instead if think of failure which results into fear and poor performance which leads to failure.

“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change”

(Wayne W. Dyer)

As it is a universal concept that nature deals with a person according to his assumptions therefore based on this concept we need to: expand our belief system for this purpose, develop a honest approach, and collect evidence such evidence which strengthens our belief in ourselves, that we can make it, through reading such type of stories, meet such type of people, go to such type of environment where the belief system gets broader. After this point now act practically anything that is supposed to be achieved, The technique is to allocate at least one hour daily for five years suppose if one wants to become a religious scholar just giving one hour daily to religious education will become a religious expert within five years similarly if one wants to be skilled in any field just give it an hour daily you would be an expert in five years. If one expands the daily timing to two hours such a person will be an expert in two years after having this mindset the other step is to give your time and utilize it properly. There is no shortcut, it requires time and commitment, and this concept is proven with evidence.

Focus on The Bigger Picture

In most cases people forget about their ultimate goal during their journey to achieve a higher reward when during the journey they get a nominal reward they spend most of their time stuck to partial benefit and ignore the higher reward one will make that little reward a fat one up to some extent but will not reach to point of bigger reward, it is like a person have a bag full of grain he can easily spend two months on a bag full of grain but he cultivates the grain in a field because sometimes he will have twenty bags of grains hence it is proven that time makes the difference which is spent in the proper direction to ultimate success.

Time Management

Now the point is how the time be utilized to get mastery in any field, for this purpose these tips may be observed: reading books to gain relevant knowledge, utilizing time in discussions, spending time with a mentor in the relevant field, spending time experimenting along the way what has been learned and most importantly spend time in meditation which shapes the growth mindset. Where one thinks about what should I do now to get to my goal, meditation is a brilliant term which can simply be defined as self-reflection every day at the end of the day think about whether what I worked on is right or wrong and what can I do the next day after this phase, when glimpses of expertise arise now the next step is how to practically apply it, for this purpose it is advised that as knowledge is so huge that may be difficult to do it all alone.

Unity is strength

There are three types of people in this world: one is dependent, the second is independent and the third one is positively interdependent. Depending people always rely on others for their success, luckily if they find someone who guides them they would succeed otherwise they may be used to function. The ratio of success is very rare in Independent people but in most cases, after reaching certain points they fall, independent people can't get to the point of success in this interdependent world their growth is limited only to themselves.

Whereas positive Interdependent means, you water me and I water you, as a result, both of us get flowers when there is positive interdependence in any institution or organization or at the social level the whole entity becomes like a stage where if anyone grows he makes the entire community grow as they are working for a common goal, as a result, the whole stage grows.

The Secret of Power Source

Whenever we develop the right mindset and pass through the aforementioned system the next step is to develop a team of like-minded people with whom you run the whole system. In the past land was considered the mean of power but with time the source of power has shifted to machines that person was considered powerful who have machines in the shape of industrialization, automobile, and so on but in this present age of the digital world, data is considered the source of power anyone who has data is considered the most powerful and data is scattered so widely that one mind can't handle whole the data all alone and with the development of artificial intelligence, blockchain, and machine learning one person can't handle the whole system, for this purpose we need to convert our dependent and independent attitude to interdependent attitude.

Main Types of Mindset

The modern study classified mindset into Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset

The fixed mindset is the type of mindset in which one believes that learning, improvement, and growth are limited and rigidly attached to one point of view and have little flexibility to change. While the growth mindset gives the understanding that there is always room for improvement, one can become an expert by giving more time and effort to any expertise.

Rules are Made to Follow & Alter for Improvement

In this beginner to an expert journey, it has been noticed that when a person is new he does know about anything later when the phase of advanced beginner kicked off things start to familiar where one follows the rules but can't modify them in the next phase one become competent where rules are modified as required accordingly and take help as he knows where help is required beginners don't even know where to get help, then a stage comes where expertise blossom and experiments are started taken place and have the understanding of all the out of box solution at this stage if some new development arises it would not be an issue as it can easily be deal on the bases of expertise previously gained.

Teamwork Mindset

Our journey is not yet finished here. We have to move to the master ship to produce more clones to have a positive and growth mindset. To summarize this topic we have to adopt three main steps. The most important is our mindset, what strategy we need to adopt, and finally developing a team (explained above). Team formation is a separate art that will be discussed in the upcoming writes. Let's be committed to collective efforts to make this world a better place for everyone where they live with love, respect, peace, and integrity by adopting a positive and growth mindset.



Muhammad Ismail

Welcome to my world of explorations and empowerment. I invite you to join me in unraveling the mystries of self-discover, nurturing the spirit and wellbeing.