Avoiding ECS Agent (Docker Container) Logs in Fluent Bit

Muhammed Said Kaya
3 min readJun 17, 2024


When using Fluent Bit to collect container logs from an AWS ECS cluster, you may want to exclude logs from the ECS Agent container to reduce noise and focus on your application logs.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Here’s how you can achieve this:

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Enrich Your ECS Agent Container Metadata: Ensure that the ECS Agent container is identifiable through a specific label or attribute. If not, use the container name or another distinct characteristic.
  2. Modify Fluent Bit Configuration: Use Fluent Bit’s filtering capabilities to exclude logs dynamically.

Example Configuration:

  1. Create Lua Script for enriching container metadata: Save the following Lua script as /etc/fluent-bit/docker_metadata.lua:
DOCKER_VAR_DIR = '/var/lib/docker/containers/'
['container_name'] = '\"Name\":\"/?(.-)\"',
['container_image_sha'] = '\"Image\":\"/?(sha.-)\"'

cache = {}

-- Gets metadata from config.v2.json file for container
function get_container_metadata_from_disk(container_id)
local docker_config_file = DOCKER_VAR_DIR .. container_id .. DOCKER_CONTAINER_CONFIG_FILE
fl = io.open(docker_config_file, 'r')

if fl == nil then
return nil

-- Parse json file and create record for cache
local data = {}
for line in fl:lines() do
for key, regex in pairs(DOCKER_CONTAINER_METADATA) do
local match = line:match(regex)
if match then
data[key] = match

if next(data) == nil then
return nil
return data

function encrich_with_docker_metadata(tag, timestamp, record)
-- Get container id from tag
container_id = tag:match'.*%.(.*)'
if not container_id then
return 0, 0, 0

-- Add container_id to record
new_record = record
new_record['container_id'] = container_id

-- Check if we have fresh cache record for container
local cached_data = cache[container_id]
if cached_data == nil then
cached_data = get_container_metadata_from_disk(container_id)

-- Metadata found in cache or got from disk, enrich record
if cached_data then
for key, regex in pairs(DOCKER_CONTAINER_METADATA) do
new_record[key] = cached_data[key]

return 1, timestamp, new_record

2. Create Lua Script for excluding ECS Agent by Container Name: Save the following Lua script as /etc/fluent-bit/exclude_ecs_agent.lua:

function filter(tag, timestamp, record)
if record["container_name"] == "ecs-agent" then
return 0, timestamp, record
return 1, timestamp, record

3. Create Docker Parser /etc/fluent-bit/parsers.conf

Name docker
Format json
Decode_Field_As json log
Decode_Field_As json body

4. Fluent Bit Configuration: Update your Fluent Bit configuration file (e.g., /etc/fluent-bit/fluent-bit.conf) to use the Lua script:

flush 1
daemon Off
log_level info
parsers_file parsers.conf

Name tail
Path /var/lib/docker/containers/*/*.log
Tag docker.*
Docker_Mode On
Docker_Mode_Flush 5
Docker_Mode_Parser container_firstline
Parser docker
Mem_Buf_Limit 50MB
Refresh_Interval 10
Rotate_Wait 30
Read_From_Head Off
DB /etc/fluent-bit/logs.db

Name lua
Match docker.*
Script docker-metadata.lua
Call encrich_with_docker_metadata

Name lua
Match docker.*
Script exclude_ecs_agent.lua
Call filter

Important Part: Docker_Modeis enabled in Fluent Bit, it processes Docker log files and extracts useful metadata from the logs, including the container ID.

Configuration Explained:

  • Docker_Mode On: Enables Docker mode in Fluent Bit, which tailors the log parsing specifically for Docker container logs.
  • Docker_Mode_Flush: Sets the flush interval for Docker mode.
  • Docker_Mode_Parser: Specifies a parser for the first line of Docker logs.
  • Tag: Assigns a tag to the log, incorporating te container ID.
  • Tag_Regex: Regex pattern to extract parts of the log file name, which can include the container ID.


As a result, configuring Fluent Bit to exclude ECS Agent logs involves several essential steps that streamline log management and enhance focus on application logs. By leveraging Fluent Bit’s Lua scripting capabilities and Docker mode configuration, you can dynamically filter out noise from ECS Agent containers while enriching logs with pertinent metadata. This setup not only improves log readability but also optimizes monitoring and troubleshooting efforts within ECS clusters. Implementing these configurations ensures that only relevant logs are processed, contributing to a more efficient and effective log management strategy overall.

Thanks for reading. If you have questions or comments regarding this article, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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