Public roadmaps for everyone!

Muhammed Zaulifqar
2 min readJul 14, 2022


Products all product managers need to know #1… Canny

➡️ Helps PM’s with: Easy public roadmap creation & idea feedback (see example here)

Many times in my career I’ve had discussions with fellow PM’s & the wider business about a public roadmap, however, these discussions never went anywhere due to the following reasons:

1. Who will host it? & where?
2. Who is going to maintain it?
3. Is anyone even going to look at?
4. We don’t want to commit to timelines?
5. How do we get feedback to see if we’re on the right path or not?

In comes Canny, super simple tool which is what makes it great! you can do the following:

➡️ Create a public roadmap for free within minutes
➡️ Create tickets that anyone publicly can comment on
➡️ Assign status to ticket: under review, planned & in progress to create a visual roadmap of what you were working on
➡️ Easy to manage & update by your product team i.e. not locked up into some content management system meaning only marketing can access it
➡️ user can upvote different tickets making it easy to assess interest

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