Apple is adding Another Camera sensor to the iPhone 15, this time with a proper Functionality

1 min readNov 30, 2022

Apple has often been mocked or somewhat bullied for their lack of cameras on the back of their phones, with their highest-end model ($1199) only having three back cameras whilst the competition like Samsung has about six for that price.

Source — Apple

Now, this would be a major concern for the company if it wasn't for the fact that the work their phones do in the back end to make its pictures arguably better than anything Samsung can do.

Whilst we could argue about which company has the best cameras (comment for an article on that), today we got an exclusive report from Nikkei saying that Apple is adding a new low-light camera.

According to Nikkei, Apple is going to use Sony’s new image sensor that “doubles the saturation signal level in each pixel”, AKA — the sensor can capture more light creating a clearer image.

Apple will use this new sensor to enable the phone to capture clearer Low light photos.




I write about Apple and general technology 🇵🇰