Mastering Flutter’s RawMagnifier: Customizing Magnification for Enhanced User Experience

Varriel Nizar
Published in
10 min readAug 20, 2024


Imagine RawMagnifier like using a magnifying glass to see small text or fine details in a book. When you hold the magnifying glass up to the page, you can see the magnified part more clearly, even if your fingers or hands are covering other parts of the page. Likewise, RawMagnifier in the Flutter app allows you to magnify a specific part of the screen you are touching or interacting with, helping you see small or hard-to-reach details clearly.

Imagine RawMagnifier like using a magnifying glass to see small text or fine details in a book


In modern mobile applications, providing a seamless and accessible user experience is crucial. One way to enhance usability, especially for users with visual impairments or those who struggle to read small text, is by incorporating magnification features. On Android and iOS, users can long-press on text to activate a magnifying glass, making it easier to read fine details. Flutter, the popular UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications, introduced a similar feature starting with version 3.17.

The RawMagnifier widget in Flutter allows developers to customize this magnification feature, offering a flexible solution for magnifying not only text but also other UI elements. Whether you want to adjust the size of the magnifier, change its shape, or apply creative styling…



Varriel Nizar

I am an accomplished Flutter Developer with a track record of success in developing great mobile applications.