How to Reduce App Build Size in React Native

3 min readOct 11, 2023


Developing a React Native app offers unparalleled flexibility and efficiency, but as your project grows, so does the app’s size. A bloated app can lead to slower downloads, increased data usage, and diminished user satisfaction. In this guide, we’ll explore effective strategies to shrink your React Native app’s build size, ensuring a seamless user experience. Additionally, we’ll delve into the advanced technique of analyzing the APK bundle using Android Studio, enabling you to pinpoint and optimize specific node modules. Let’s dive into the details.

1. Optimize Image Assets:

  • Use Proper Formats: Choose appropriate formats like WebP, SVG and PNG.
  • Compress Images: Utilize tools like ImageOptim or TinyPNG to compress images without quality loss.
  • Implement Image Loading Libraries: Use React Native Fast Image or Expo ImageManipulator for efficient loading.

2. Code Splitting and Dynamic Imports:

  • Lazy Loading: Implement lazy loading with React.lazy() and dynamic imports for heavy modules.
  • Code Splitting: Use tools like React Loadable or React Native Bundle Splitter for smaller, on-demand code chunks.

3. Optimize Third-party Libraries:

  • Choose Wisely: Select lightweight libraries and remove unused dependencies from package.json.

4. Bundle Size Analysis and Optimization:

  • Use Bundle Analyzers: Visualize your bundle size with tools like Webpack Bundle Analyzer.
  • Tree Shaking: Remove dead code using tree shaking techniques during the build process.

5. Optimize Fonts:

  • Use System Fonts: Minimize custom font files; use system fonts whenever possible.
  • Subset Fonts: Generate subsetted font files containing only necessary characters.

6. Reduce Redundant Code and Resources:

  • Minimize Redundancy: Avoid duplicating resources and remove unused code and assets.

7. Optimize Native Modules:

  • Proper Linking: Ensure correct linking of native modules to avoid unnecessary code inclusion.
  • Customize Build Configurations: Customize Gradle (Android) and Xcode (iOS) configurations to exclude unnecessary resources.

8. APK Bundle Analysis with Android Studio:

  • Generate APK Bundle: Create an APK bundle of your React Native app.
  • Open Android Studio: Analyze the APK bundle in Android Studio.
  • Use APK Analyzer: Explore the APK’s contents, focusing on .so (native libraries) and .dex (compiled Java) files.
  • Identify JavaScript Modules: Look for files like to identify large Node modules.
  • Generate Source Maps: Enable source map generation in your project for detailed module analysis.
  • Inspect Bundles: Use tools like source-map-explorer to identify specific modules contributing to bundle size.

9. Optimize Large Modules:

  • Choose Alternatives: Replace large modules with lighter libraries or custom implementations.
  • Implement Dynamic Imports: Load components and heavy modules dynamically to reduce initial bundle size.


By following these comprehensive strategies and leveraging advanced techniques like APK bundle analysis in Android Studio, you can significantly reduce your React Native app’s build size. Regularly audit your project, stay updated with the latest optimization techniques, and use APK analysis to make informed decisions about module optimization. With a leaner app size, your users will enjoy faster downloads, smoother performance, and an overall more satisfying mobile experience. Start implementing these techniques today and ensure your app stands out in the competitive app market.




Software Engineer | React Js, React Native, Node Js. I usually write here about Software Development and Coding Lifestyle.