Transforming Organic Waste into Biogas: A Project for a Healthy Environment, a Diversified Economy, and Climate Change Mitigation

3 min readOct 19, 2023


By Nadege Mukanisa

The vision of my project is “to recover organic waste for a healthy environment and a diversified economy.”

I developed this project so I can help transform Organic Waste into Biogas: by Developing a system to efficiently transform organic waste into biogas for heating purposes. To Reduce Youth unemployment by Creating employment opportunities, particularly for young individuals, through the various phases of the project. And lastly to Combat Deforestation for Climate Change Mitigation: Address deforestation by providing an eco-friendly alternative to traditional heating sources, contributing to the fight against global warming and climate change.

installing the pipes for gas harvest from the waste

The project will go through four phases :

  • Waste Disposal
  • Waste extraction
  • Fermentation
  • Storage
waste disposal system

Waste disposal

This phase involves the collection of waste from households, schools, and restaurants. Waste disposal is a critical part of managing waste materials in human society. It includes the collection, processing, and recycling or deposition of waste. Waste can be categorized by source and composition, often falling into the categories of solid waste, sewage, hazardous waste, and electronic waste. In industrialized countries, municipal liquid waste is treated through sewage systems to remove impurities before reaching natural water sources.

Waste Extraction

After collecting waste, the organic waste is extracted from the rest of the materials. Waste extraction systems are designed to collect residual materials directly at the source, with applications in various industries. This step ensures that only the organic components required for biogas production are retained.

Nadenge collecting waste from waste collection point for machine testing


The extracted organic waste is grinded and mixed with water then it undergoes a fermentation process, during which it is subjected to anaerobic digestion. This process is crucial for the production of methane gas, which can be captured and used for heating purposes. The specifics of the fermentation process are a part of the project’s operational secrets to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. since no chemical aded the process it takes up to 3 weeks to generate the gas


Following fermentation, the produced biogas is stored in gas cylinders for marketing and distribution. Proper storage is essential to maintain the quality and safety of the gas. Specific measures are taken to ensure the integrity of containers, prevent accidental spillage, eliminate nuisances, and prevent environmental pollution and health hazards.which will be the next that am working

By following these steps, the project aims to contribute to a sustainable environment, provide economic opportunities, and combat climate change by offering a clean and renewable energy source for heating.

Thanks to the Open Skies Fellowship program, my ideas have become a reality; having a prototype that I can use to show to more people who can fund my project was something I had only imagined. Through them I have had the opportunity to be mentored and being assisted with my project. And I will continue to showcase my project in order to inspire the younger generation, particularly women, to become involved in science, technology, and innovation.

