A small note to my juniors on “PLACEMENTS”

Mukesh Babu
3 min readNov 28, 2018


There are just two more days left for the much awaited “Placement” season. Since my most favourite junior batch is bracing up for this battle, I thought I should take this time and share some perspectives to you all.

Btw if you think I am going to talk about tips and tricks here. I’m sorry, You sure will be disappointed. I am going to help you with something more important. Help you realise, “What this placement means to you?” and what is the ATTITUDE you must carry towards it!

As much as you think, you know the answer to it. Most of you really wouldn’t know. Honestly, there are no right answers to the questions that follow. Since every individual is a unique case. But asking these questions to yourself will give you a lot of CLARITY!

It may be for the money, for the love of the work you get to do in the company, to gauge your certain capabilities or for even the validation ( from yourself, your peers, parents or relatives) or ANYTHING!

Once you have analysed the reason. Then ask,

“Does *this reason* actually matter to you?”

“What are you getting out of it?”

“What is the longtime impact of it?”

One of the very lucrative factor would be MONEY. Nothing wrong in prioritising earning. Come on, who doesn’t want to earn more? But the whole deal here is what you are trading off for the money?

“Are you planning to just get into any random company just for good pay?”

“How do you think you are going to grow from the profile you are offered?”

My observation from all these years is placement may not help you much unless you get placed in a profile that gives you an opportunity to do the work you love doing. If you love your work, you will do great work. And great work leads to GROWTH.

The only time you shall be okay with getting placed in any profile is when the money from your job is actually needed to financially sustain your family. It is when you have the highest need for it. Some of us may be from a very humble background and hence in dire need of money, we can secure the offer we get and then later we shall work to align our interest and work we do. But unless you are in this situation, don’t be desperate.


Some things to remember !

1. You can be the best candidate and still not get selected.

2. If you didn’t get the job, it was never meant for you. Trust me on this, because recruitment is a two-way process.

3. You weren’t rejected, you were directed to something better for you.

4. Your value doesn’t decrease based upon someone’s inability to see your worth.

5. Believe in yourself and keep trying, the right door will open for you.

First of all, everybody is different so please take a moment to feel good about yourself and embrace your journey so far. Think about your struggles through your life, how you have conquered them. Think about all the good things you have achieved in your life and how hard you have worked for it. What happens is, in this quest of getting placed in the best (or high paying) company, we lose ourselves. We start to doubt our abilities, hit a new low. But wait, Is it worth it?

My 2 cents here is just ENJOY the process, have fun and never give up. Do your best and believe everything happens for something good. Because your journey is your story, it matters way more than the destination itself.

All the best my favourites! Love you all! Reach out to me anytime, I will try my best to help you with whatever knowledge I have or connect you to right people who can help.

And don’t forget! YOU ARE THE BEST!



Mukesh Babu

Entrepreneur — The best optimist you will ever come across.