Product Management Case Study:You are a Product Manager at Bigbasket and found out that people are adding items in the basket but not doing checkout. How will you handle this?

4 min readJul 29, 2023

This is my very first blog. I am a fresh B.Tech(IT) grad aspiring for product management roles. As the title says I’ll be discussing my detailed solution for the given problem statement. Sit tight and thank you for reading my writing patiently!


BigBasket is an Indian online grocer headquartered in Bangalore, India, and currently owned by Tata Group. BigBasket began as a tech startup company, founded in October 2011 by five entrepreneurs. By mid-2016, Bigbasket was operating in eight large Indian cities and had grown to become India’s biggest e-grocer. The company’s unique selling point was delivery of fresh produce, based on the purchase of fruit and vegetables from local marketplaces each morning, storage in refrigerated warehouses and a fleet of temperature-controlled trucks to deliver fresh to the door. BigBasket offers tens of thousands of different products, including fruits and vegetables, meats, spices, toiletries, baby products and pet food.

Key Challenges:

● Hidden Costs: Sometimes there are hidden costs which are revealed after checkout such as delivery fee, packaging charges leading to cart abandonment.

● Delivery Time: Sometimes the delivery date is displayed and if it’s not according to customers’ convenience then the cart is likely to get abandoned.

● Trust and security concerns: Sometimes the customers’ have doubts regarding payment safety, personal data security etc.

● Complex Checkout Process: In today’s world where everyone has a short attention span, a long checkout process may cause dissatisfaction and can lead to cart abandonment.

User Segment/Target Audience:

● Homebound Individuals

● Elderly People

● Busy Individuals

● Tech oriented Individuals

● Price-conscious individuals

Pain Points:

● As a Product Manager at Big Basket, understanding the pain points of users is crucial for improving the platform and enhancing the overall user experience.

● Checkout Process Complexity: Users might find the checkout process cumbersome and time-consuming, leading to frustration and cart abandonment.

● Product Unavailability: Customers might be disappointed when certain products they want to purchase are out of stock or unavailable at the moment.

● Delivery Delays: Late deliveries or missed time slots can inconvenience users and disrupt their meal planning.

● Customer Support: Difficulties in reaching customer support or obtaining timely and satisfactory resolutions to issues can lead to dissatisfaction.

● Return and Refund Process: Complex or slow return and refund procedures can discourage users from making future purchases.

Proposed Solution:

● Simplified Checkout Process:Implement a one-page checkout with clear and concise steps, reducing the number of clicks and form fields.Offer guest checkout options for users who don’t want to create an account.Provide multiple secure payment options for added convenience. ● Notifications:Set up cart abandonment email campaigns to remind users about their pending purchases.

● Improved Delivery Slot Availability:Optimise the delivery scheduling system to allocate delivery slots more efficiently.Provide users with the option to set delivery preferences and receive notifications when new slots become available

● Enhanced Customer Support:Offer multiple channels for customer support, such as live chat, email, and phone, with fast response times.Implement a robust ticketing system to ensure prompt resolution of user issues.

● Hassle-free Return and Refund Process:Streamline the return and refund process with easy-to-follow instructions and clear guidelines.

● Product Authenticity: Since BigBasket is an online grocery store , it is very important to check that authentic and genuine products are sold. Also products which may trigger allergies, or if consumed in large amounts may cause health issues- should be labelled and notified properly.

Moon-shot ideas:

● AI smart shopping assistant

● Rural access

● Farmer’s market

How to judge/enhance the success?

● Conversion Rate Measurement Analysis

● Usage Metrics

● Customer Retention research

● A/B Testing

● Surveys

● Customer feedback analysis


In conclusion, as a Product Manager at Big Basket, the focus on converting cart products to sales is crucial for the platform’s success and customer satisfaction. By implementing effective strategies and features, Big Basket can enhance the overall user experience and increase conversion rates.

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Analyst at Capgemini! I love learning about new technologies!