15 TEDx Talks That Are MustWatch For Entrepreneurs

3 min readDec 19, 2023



The entrepreneurial journey requires more than just a business plan; it demands inspiration, resilience, and a continuous thirst for knowledge.

TEDx Talks have proven to be a goldmine of wisdom and motivation for entrepreneurs navigating the challenges of starting and growing a business. Here are 15 TEDx Talks that every aspiring and seasoned entrepreneur should add to their must-watch list:

1. Simon Sinek: “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”

Simon Sinek’s talk explores the concept of “Why” and emphasizes the importance of inspiring action through a clear sense of purpose.

As an entrepreneur, understanding the deeper motivation behind your venture can be a transformative guide for decision-making and communication.

2. Guy Kawasaki: “The Art of Innovation”

Entrepreneurial success often hinges on innovation.

Guy Kawasaki’s TEDx Talk provides a blueprint for fostering creativity and disruptive thinking within your ventures, offering valuable lessons on staying ahead in a competitive market.

3. Shonda Rhimes: “My Year of Saying Yes to Everything”

Shonda Rhimes shares her transformative experience of saying “yes” to opportunities.

For entrepreneurs, this talk encourages embracing challenges and seizing unexpected possibilities, ultimately contributing to personal and professional growth.

4. Elizabeth Gilbert: “Your Elusive Creative Genius”

Elizabeth Gilbert explores the elusive nature of creative genius and its impact on the entrepreneurial spirit.

This talk is a source of inspiration for entrepreneurs seeking to unlock their creative potential and navigate the inevitable challenges of business ownership.

5. Tim Urban: “Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator”

Tim Urban’s humorous take on procrastination provides valuable insights into time management and productivity for entrepreneurs.

Understanding the pitfalls of procrastination is crucial for effective entrepreneurial leadership.

6. Seth Godin: “How to Get Your Ideas to Spread”

Seth Godin’s talk delves into the principles of spreading ideas effectively.

For entrepreneurs, this is a guide to building a brand, creating a compelling narrative, and ensuring your business resonates with your target audience.

7. Angela Lee Duckworth: “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance”

Angela Lee Duckworth explores the concept of grit and its role in achieving long-term goals.

This talk is particularly relevant for entrepreneurs facing obstacles, emphasizing the importance of passion and perseverance in the entrepreneurial journey

8. Dan Pink: “The Puzzle of Motivation”

Dan Pink’s talk on motivation provides a fresh perspective on what drives human behavior, offering valuable insights for entrepreneurs aiming to create a motivated and engaged team within their ventures.

9. Carol Dweck: “The Power of Believing That You Can Improve”

Carol Dweck’s exploration of the growth mindset is essential for entrepreneurs seeking continuous improvement.

Embracing a mindset that values learning and adaptation can be a powerful catalyst for entrepreneurial success.

10. Shawn Achor: “The Happy Secret to Better Work”

Shawn Achor’s TEDx Talk focuses on the connection between happiness and productivity.

For entrepreneurs, understanding the importance of a positive work environment and mindset is crucial for fostering creativity and achieving business goals.

11. Ray Dalio: “How to Build a Company Where the Best Ideas Win”

Ray Dalio shares insights on creating a culture where the best ideas thrive.

For entrepreneurs, this talk provides a roadmap for fostering innovation and collaboration within their organizations, driving sustained success.

12. Amy Cuddy: “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are”

Amy Cuddy’s exploration of body language and its impact on confidence is particularly relevant for entrepreneurs engaged in networking, pitching, and negotiation.

Understanding the power of non-verbal communication can be a game-changer in the business world.

13. Cameron Russell: “Looks Aren’t Everything. Believe Me, I’m a Model.”

Cameron Russell’s talk challenges societal perceptions and emphasizes the importance of substance over appearance.

For entrepreneurs, this talk underscores the significance of authenticity and genuine connection in building meaningful relationships within the business realm.

14. Bill Gross: “The Single Biggest Reason Why Startups Succeed”

Ever wondered what makes a startup successful? Bill Gross, founder of Idealab, analyzes the key factors behind startup success, providing valuable insights that can shape your entrepreneurial journey.

15. Brene Brown: “The Power of Vulnerability”

In this talk, Brene Brown delves into the strength found in vulnerability, a crucial aspect for entrepreneurs navigating uncertainties and risks.

Brown’s insights on embracing vulnerability resonate with the resilience required in the entrepreneurial journey.

These TEDx Talks cover a spectrum of topics essential for entrepreneurs, offering valuable insights, motivation, and practical advice. Take the time to watch, absorb, and apply the lessons learned on your entrepreneurial journey.

