Empowering Adolescent Girls and Young Women: Building an Inclusive Future

Mulika Tanzania
4 min readJun 8, 2023


Adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) are strong, vibrant individuals who deserve to be central to essential conversations and decision-making processes. However, they often face unique challenges and are marginalized in society. We must address these issues and formulate strategies that cater to their needs, ensuring their inclusiveness in all aspects of life. One powerful solution to achieve this is the establishment of an AGYW Forum, a platform dedicated to advocating for their empowerment and inclusion.AGYW encounter numerous obstacles in their journey, such as limited access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities. Moreover, they face a higher risk of experiencing gender-based violence, HIV, and other health concerns. In today’s rapidly changing world, there is a pressing urgency to protect and support AGYW, preventing them from being left behind.

AGYW stakeholders and Mulika Tanzania Team members during the AGYW Stakeholders meeting.

Recently, Mulika Tanzania, an organization committed to empowering young people and involving them in decision-making, organized an extraordinary one-day gathering. This event brought together various stakeholders dedicated to AGYW issues, engaging in groundbreaking discussions on strategies to establish and operate the AGYW Forum.

AGYW Stakeholders during the AGYW Forum Strategies Formulation Meeting.

In addition, the participants had the opportunity to review the policy on long-acting Injectable Cabotegravir CAB-LA, an innovative HIV prevention option. The meeting was graced by prominent youth-led organizations, including the African Youth and Adolescent Network on Population and Development (AFRIYAN) and the Youth of United Nations Association (YUNA). Renowned speakers from COMPASS Coalition and DARE for Progress Tanzania enriched the discussions with their expertise, making it a remarkable occasion.

During the AGYW Stakeholders meeting, various focus group discussions were conducted, allowing participants to share their perspectives and insights.

The primary goal of the meeting was to advance the development of AGYW through initiatives such as the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the Global Fund. These initiatives aim to expand access to HIV prevention, treatment, and care interventions, ensuring a brighter future for AGYW.

Ms. Veronica Lyimo, from The Network of Women with HIV, provided valuable insights into how PEPFAR supports AGYW stakeholders and the progress made in coordinating activities under PEPFAR and the Global Fund.

Dr. Lilian Mwakyosi, an esteemed expert in the field, unveiled a range of approaches to ensure the inclusiveness of adolescent girls and young women. One crucial aspect is creating a structure representing the voices of AGYW — the AGYW Forum. This structure would enable their active involvement in policy and decision-making spaces. Dr. Lilian highlighted two ongoing projects, DREAMS, and TIMIZA MALENGO, implemented under PEPFAR and the Global Fund. These projects focus on advocating for the inclusiveness of AGYW and empowering them in various areas, including economic empowerment, health empowerment, and innovations. DREAMS is already making a difference in 14 regions, while TIMIZA MALENGO is reaching 18 regions in Tanzania. Dr. Lilian emphasized the need for further interventions in regions lagging.

“Research has shown that AGYW is a large group that faces numerous challenges, particularly concerning HIV. The AGYW Forum is the solution that will help these young women in abundance,” expressed Dr. Lilian Mwakyosi, Executive Director of DARE.

To tackle these challenges effectively, we must implement strategies targeting AGYW and its unique needs. This involves promoting equal access to education and healthcare while breaking down harmful gender stereotypes that discriminate against them.

Following the AGYW Stakeholders meeting, a final meeting involving ten members from DARE, DWWT, and Mulika was held. During this meeting, crucial considerations and agreements were reached. It was agreed that the AGYW Forum would have a loose structure, consisting of individual members aged between 15–29, leaders aged 18–29, and programmatic members ABYM (Adolescence Boys and Young Men) aged between 10–29. Organizational members would also be included. The membership duration for the forum would be two years. The forum’s scope would cover the entire nation, utilizing the Community Action Group (CAG) mechanism to reach from villages to ward-district-regional levels and, finally, the national level. The focus areas of the forum would encompass HIV and AIDS, Sexual Reproductive Health, Gender-Based Violence, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, Life Skills, Livelihood and Economic Empowerment, Non-Communicable Diseases, and Climate Change.

At the second meeting, a group of AGYW stakeholders from Mulika Tanzania, DARE for Progress, and DWWT.

In conclusion, it is vital to develop strategies that address the unique needs of AGYW and promote their inclusiveness in society. The AGYW Forum is a pivotal component of this movement. It provides a safe and supportive space where AGYW can gather, share their experiences and perspectives, and develop strategies to promote their empowerment. This forum allows AGYW to have a collective voice and advocate for their needs, all while being managed and led by AGYW themselves. Through collaborative efforts and empowering initiatives, we can ensure that AGYW thrives, overcoming its challenges and emerging as strong, empowered individuals.



Mulika Tanzania

The organization that strives to put young people and the marginalized community at the center of development and decision-making processes. www.mulika.or.tz