The National Youth CSOs Election Consortium formed

Mulika Tanzania
2 min readSep 23, 2019


The group photo of the participants of the National Youth Election dialogue with the special guest from the National Electoral Commission (NEC), Mr. Daniel Kasokola, The Deputy Director of the Voters Education department (one sitting at the middle).The event was held in Dar es Salaam at Protea Courtyard Hotel on 10th September 2019

On the 18th September, the National Youth CSOs Election Consortium was formed. The consortium was created as a result of a series of consultations that involved 50 youth-led and youth-serving organizations and youth networks from Mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar representing National and grassroots youth organizations. The focus group discussions were done during the consultations with youth in communities to identify youth priorities in the upcoming elections.

The five main areas have been identified as among the youth priorities in the coming General Election,these are Education, Health (including sexual reproductive health and rights), Economic empowerment & inclusion and youth participation in decision-making processes.

The National youth CSOs Elections Consortium is guided by the principle of inclusion by having National Youth CSOs, regional youth networks and grassroots youth organizations as part of the consortium, the Tanzania Higher Learning Institutions Students Organization (TAHLISO) is the mobilizing partner for youth and students in higher learning institutions, colleges, and universities.

The 50 youth organizations from Mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar have signed up to have a common agenda and a common mission to ensure that Tanzanian youth meaningfully participate in the upcoming elections as well as advocating for peaceful elections countrywide.

One of the key outcomes of the consortium is the development of the Tanzania Youth Manifesto 2019, which has already started by identifying key priority areas for youth in Tanzania and will be followed by national wide consultations with different youth groups to ensure that no youth voice is left behind. We are looking forward to collaborating with youth wings of political parties and a national wide plan of activities is being set.

The Consortium Secretariat is co-led by Tanzania Youth Vision Association (TYVA), United Nations Association of Tanzania (UNA), Mulika Tanzania, Youth of the United Nations Association of Tanzania (YUNA), African Youth and Adolescents Network (AfriYan Tanzania) and Peace Life for People with Disability Foundation(PLPDF) together with other organizations that have a nationwide reach and over long-lasting years experience working in youth-related issues in the country. The Regional networks and grassroots youth organizations will also play the role of mobilizing youths in their respective regions.

The Consortium is collaborating and will continue collaborating closely with the National Election Commission(NEC) and Ministry responsible for youth and other stakeholders to ensure that the youth agenda is at the forefront of the coming elections.



Mulika Tanzania

The organization that strives to put young people and the marginalized community at the center of development and decision-making processes.