Vijana milioni 5.7 wasubiri fursa ‘kuonja’ uchaguzi 2020

Mulika Tanzania
1 min readFeb 18, 2019


By Kelvin Matandiko, Mwananchi Newspaper;

Group photo of youth NGOs representatives after capacity building session in civic education based on Promoting Youth Participation during General Elections of 2015 at Zanzibar Beach Resort. Mulika Tanzania with other youth-led organizations like Tanzania Youth Vision Association (TYVA), Zanzibar Fighting Against Youth Challenges Organization (ZAFAYCO) and Youth of United Nations Association of Tanzania (YUNA) worked together on the same course. The main objective was to promote youths participation during the General Elections of 2015 at Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar, under project name’’KIJANA NA KURA YAKO’’ ,Swahili words mean, YOUTH AND YOUR VOTE.

Kwa mujibu wa Katiba ya Tanzania ibara ya 5(1) kila raia wa Tanzania aliyetimiza umri wa miaka 18 anayo haki ya kupiga kura katika uchaguzi unaofaywa hapa nchini.

Fuata link hii kusoma zaidi ;



Mulika Tanzania

The organization that strives to put young people and the marginalized community at the center of development and decision-making processes.