Git Masters: Understanding the Differences Between git add ., git add --all, and git add -A

6 min readJun 8, 2024


When working with Git, one of the most common tasks is staging changes to be committed. The git add command is essential for this process, but there are different variations of it: git add ., git add --all, and git add -A. While these commands might seem similar, they have distinct behaviors that can significantly impact your workflow. This article will explore these differences in detail.

git add .

The command git add . is used to stage changes in the current directory and its subdirectories. Here’s what it does:


  • Adds all changes (new files, modified files, and deleted files) from the current directory and its subdirectories to the staging area.


  • Only affects the current directory and its subdirectories.

Usage Example:

git add .

Practical Use

  • Local Changes: Use this command when you want to stage changes in a specific part of your project without affecting other directories. For example, if you are working in the src directory and want to stage changes only there, git add . will suffice.

git add --all

The command git add --all stages all changes in the entire working directory. It is equivalent to git add -A.


  • Adds all changes (new files, modified files, and deleted files) in the entire working directory to the staging area.


  • Affects the entire working directory.

Usage Example:

git add --all

Practical Use

  • Global Changes: Use this command when you want to ensure that all changes throughout your project are staged. This is particularly useful for large projects where changes are made across multiple directories.

git add -A

The command git add -A serves the same purpose as git add --all. It stages all changes in the entire working directory.


  • Adds all changes (new files, modified files, and deleted files) in the entire working directory to the staging area.


  • Affects the entire working directory.

Usage Example:

git add -A

Practical Use

  • Complete Staging: Use git add -A to stage all changes globally, ensuring nothing is left unstaged. This command is interchangeable with git add --all.

Key Differences

Scope of Changes

  • git add .: Stages changes only in the current directory and its subdirectories.
  • git add --all and git add -A: Stage changes in the entire working directory, regardless of the current directory.

Handling Deleted Files

  • All three commands (git add ., git add --all, and git add -A) handle deleted files similarly by staging the deletion for commit.

Intended Use

  • git add .: Useful for staging changes in a specific directory without affecting the rest of the repository.
  • git add --all and git add -A: Useful for staging all changes across the entire working directory, ensuring a comprehensive commit.

Practical Examples

Assume you have the following changes in your repository:

  • New file: newfile.txt
  • Modified file: modifiedfile.txt
  • Deleted file: deletedfile.txt

Using git add . in the Root Directory

git add .

This will stage newfile.txt and modifiedfile.txt from the root directory and its subdirectories. If you are in a subdirectory, it will only stage changes in that subdirectory.

Using git add --all or git add -A in Any Directory

git add --all


git add -A

These commands will stage newfile.txt, modifiedfile.txt, and deletedfile.txt from the entire working directory, regardless of where you run the command.

Understanding the differences between git add ., git add --all, and git add -A is crucial for effective version control. Here’s a quick recap:

  • git add .: Use for staging changes in the current directory and its subdirectories.
  • git add --all and git add -A: Use for staging changes across the entire working directory.


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Scenarios for each case: git add ., git add --all, and git add -A

When working on different types of projects, it’s crucial to understand when to use git add ., git add --all, and git add -A to stage your changes efficiently. Here are some scenarios that illustrate when each command is best suited.

Scenario 1: Small Project or Single Directory Changes

Command: git add .

Scenario Description

Imagine you are working on a small web project with a simple structure. You’ve made changes in the scripts directory, including adding new JavaScript files and modifying existing ones.

Best Fit

git add . is the best fit for this scenario because it allows you to stage all changes within the scripts directory without affecting other parts of the project.


cd scripts
git add .

Why This Command?

  • Local Scope: It stages only the changes in the scripts directory, keeping other parts of the project unaffected.
  • Efficiency: Useful for making focused commits that only involve specific parts of the project.

Scenario 2: Large Project with Multiple Subdirectories

Command: git add --all

Scenario Description

Consider a large enterprise application with multiple subdirectories such as frontend, backend, config, and tests. You've made changes across various directories—adding new features in frontend, updating APIs in backend, and modifying configuration files.

Best Fit

git add --all is the best fit here because it ensures all changes across the entire working directory are staged, which is essential for comprehensive commits in large projects.


git add --all

Why This Command?

  • Global Scope: It stages all changes (new, modified, and deleted files) in the entire working directory.
  • Completeness: Ensures that no changes are missed, which is critical for maintaining the integrity of large projects.

Scenario 3: Refactoring and Cleanup

Command: git add -A

Scenario Description

Suppose you are working on a medium-sized project, and you’ve decided to refactor the codebase. This includes deleting obsolete files, renaming directories, and updating multiple files across different modules.

Best Fit

git add -A is ideal for this scenario because it stages all changes, including deletions and renames, across the entire working directory.


git add -A

Why This Command?

  • Full Staging: Similar to git add --all, it stages all changes but is explicitly used when you want to ensure every change is accounted for, especially deletions and renames.
  • Consistency: Helps maintain a consistent state in the repository after significant refactoring.

Scenario 4: Working on a Feature Branch

Command: git add .

Scenario Description

You are working on a new feature in a feature branch. Your changes are confined to the features/new-feature directory. You want to make incremental commits as you progress through the feature development.

Best Fit

git add . is suitable for this scenario because it allows you to stage and commit changes incrementally within the specific feature directory.


cd features/new-feature
git add .

Why This Command?

  • Incremental Commits: Facilitates smaller, manageable commits within a specific part of the project.
  • Focus: Keeps the commits focused on the feature being developed.

Scenario 5: Comprehensive Project Update

Command: git add --all

Scenario Description

Your team has just completed a major update that spans multiple aspects of the project, including bug fixes, new features, and updates to documentation. These changes are spread across various directories and files.

Best Fit

git add --all is appropriate here to ensure that all changes across the entire project are staged for a comprehensive commit.


git add --all

Why This Command?

  • Major Updates: Captures all changes across the project for a single, comprehensive commit.
  • Team Coordination: Ensures that every team member’s changes are included, which is important for synchronized updates.

Choosing the right git add command based on the scenario ensures efficient and effective version control:

  • git add .: Best for localized changes in small projects or specific directories.
  • git add --all and git add -A: Ideal for comprehensive staging across the entire project, especially in large or refactored codebases.

Understanding these commands and their best-fit scenarios helps you maintain a clean, organized, and efficient project history.

Thank you for reading up to this point. If you have any questions or would like to connect further, feel free to reach out to me via LinkedIn or Twitter or YouTube. I look forward to connecting with you!

