Erwin of ‘DeFi Land’ on Gamifying Yields, and the Future of Play-to-Earn

Multifarm uncovers some interesting yield opportunities in the soon to launch ‘DeFi Land’, which aims to gamify yield farming cross-chain.
5 min readSep 6, 2021

Q: Hello Erwin, and thanks so much for joining us! Could we start with your background? How did you personally get into DeFi and yield farming?

Hello there! Thanks for having me. I come from a tech startup background, having previously worked with AWS, Nvidia, Hololens and other prominent tech companies. I got in crypto in 2017 when ICOs were taking off and everyone was printing money. I did my first x100. Then just a few months after the bear market arrived, and most of my profits evaporated.

Because of that I quit crypto for some time, but luckily I came back a few months later and bought more $BTC and $ETH. But it was really in DeFi Summer of 2020, that I started to get seriously involved with DeFi. I literally spent countless hours explaining it to friends and family, purely because I believe it’s the future of finance.

Q: Are you currently providing any assets for liquidity pools or doing any yield farming? Which protocols or chains are most interesting to you?

I’m still actively farming indeed. That’s why I wanted to turn yield farming into a game, so that retail users can also benefit and see that you don’t need a PhD in Maths to do yield farming.

Right now, my personal biggest bet is Solana ecosystem. However, I also like Polygon and of course Ethereum, as it’s the base of most established protocols. Currently, I prefer farming on Raydium and Solfarm, but soon I will soon migrate to DeFi Land.

Q: How do you find new farms and stay up-to-date in DeFi?

We have really outstanding partners, advisors and an amazing community, so through them we receive crucial info and data about new projects and farms. For now, we only have Raydium in our game as it’s in testing phase but soon enough we will be adding more.

Q: Do you prefer Pool 1 or Pool 2 farming strategies? How much of your capital do you allocate to “riskier” aspects of yield farming (such as degen farms)?

Not a financial advice for sure, but I prefer to take a ‘Pool 2’ farming strategy, as it matches my risk appetite. I used to do tons of degen farming, investing up to 50% of my portfolio in those high/crazy number APYs, but now I have only invest about 10–15%. However, I do still experiment with degen farming from time to time.

A sneak-peek of DeFi Land V.1. Source: DeFi Land

Q: Could you tell our readers about DeFi Land? What kickstarted the idea?
We are also particularly interested in how different DeFi protocols will be aggregated within the game, alongside play-to-earn and NFTs.

‘DeFi Land’ is a multi-chain agriculture-simulation web-game created to gamify decentralized finance. Our game will have all the features that traditional platforms have, but it aggregated into one place. ‘DeFi Land’ gamifies DeFi by turning investment activities into games.

We currently have two versions of our game-V1 and V2.

For V1 the game will more of a “gamified Zapper” feel and a ‘rabbit hole’. Players will be able to have their favorite protocols in the same place, receive tasks/quests and indulge in some play-to-earn.

V2 will be a game that people love playing. We will introduce battles, chat, levels, guilds and much more.

The idea to make a game based on yield farming actually came about a year ago, when we saw a meme! That was the jumping off point and since then the idea has evolved much more. For example, we envisage different buildings for different protocols, customized with their own brandings, and constantly being updated.

Gamifying with SOL, COPE, USDC and RAY on DeFi Land. Source: DeFi Land

Q: You have chosen to also integrate Serum and Raydium into DeFi Land, which is unlike other play-to-earn games. Is there a special reason for this?

Yes, we didn’t want to build just another game for DeFi or NFTs.

For example, Axie Infinity is super cool game, and we actually play it ourselves, but at the end of the day Axie players don’t know anything about DeFi or NFTs, they just know how to play a game.

We wanted a change of approach to blockchain gaming, where we can introduce lots of people to DeFi and NFTs. ‘DeFi Land’ aims to become the bridge for retails users to learn more about yield farming.

Q: We know that DeFi Land is yet to go live, but when it does, do you have any strategies or alpha tips for our readers? And will there also be a token?

We are soon launching our testing version, so if you want to become one of testers, join our Discord and Telegram groups, be active and you’ll definitely be rewarded. Players will be able to buy NFTs through DFL, tip friends, stake and yield farm as well. There will be even more use cases coming — stay tuned!

We will be doing a public sale later in September of $DFL (DeFi Land token). DFL is a native currency for our game. It will be used mainly for Governance purposes.

Q: With a lot of attention currently on NFTs and play-to earn, do you feel this is where the DeFi space is headed? How do you imagine it will evolve in the short and long term?

We believe that blockchain gaming has entered a super-cycle.

We believe that it will face lots of problems, hacks, exploits and more, but in the long-term it is inevitable that a lot of the big game studios are already moving to crypto. Several AAA games are already using the blockchain, and I imagine we will see dozens in 2022.

DeFi will have to adapt to gaming as it’s the best way to on-board the masses, especially within complex industries. I personally expect lots of different projects to appear and offer the same kind of service soon enough.

We love the competition and are here to stay. Thanks for having me Multifarm!

DeFi Land is on twitter as @defi_land

DeFi Land App


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