Multifarm is bringing its solutions to the Polygon Village Program!
3 min readAug 10, 2022


The Multifarm team is pleased to announce a new strategic partnership. Multifarm & Polygon DAO have partnered up to provide integral treasury insights for protocols building on Polygon. Multifarm has become one of the many amazing Voucher Partners.

Value of Partnership

Multifarm is excited to help foster & further develop the Polygon ecosystem. We believe that proper insights into a protocol’s treasury are imperative in understanding the overall health of said treasury. We aim to help turn complex data (farming, off-chain assets, etc) and turn them into a digestible format.

Every protocol going through the Polygon Village will be able to gain access to an internal facing treasury dashboard. This dashboard is state of the art and allows for protocols to manage their treasury/portfolio cross-chain via a Multifarm login.

These dashboards support all major farms, NFTs and DeFi protocols. We also allow for the adding of off-chain assets to the dashboard. This allows the protocols to have an in-depth overview of their portfolio and allow for customised notes to be added to farms/positions.

Our strategy performance tab is bursting with impactful comparative data. Teams will be able to quickly at a glance compare the historical APRs of various strategies against one another. This helps teams to optimise their farming strategies and easily analyse cash flows. As one can see below the overview is simple & easy to read.

Most importantly we want to provide a basic portfolio overview that will allow the Protocol and its community to gain a holistic overview of the portfolio. We support multiple wallets, all major EVMS & show % allocation cross-chain. These features are important to help starting protocols organise and maintain control over the treasuries.

We are beyond excited to provide much-needed service to the Polygon DeFi space and aim to help bring more transparency to the protocol’s team & their community.

Polygon Voucher Village

Polygon Village is a full-stack ecosystem for developers to build & expand their projects. The onboarding process for projects has been alleviated through monetary subsidies of important & much-needed services for DeFi protocols building on Polygon.


Multifarm has developed custom in-depth analytical dashboards for many leading protocols such as OlympusDAO, Redacted Cartel, Balancer, to name a few. We offer a wide range of services from treasury dashboards, Bribing & ve tokenomics specialised dashboards and emissions optimizations.

Any Polygon protocols wishing to take advantage of this program can reach out to us over Twitter/Discord or apply directly for a voucher here.



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