24 Formidable Lessons Learnt Turning 24.

Micah Carroll
6 min readMay 14, 2019


After reading books time and time, and going through different experiences in my small life compared to others.. there’s some words I would love to share with you. Also quick note I wrote out an article when turning 22.

1. Meditation is a Super Power

As of the time writing this, I’ve meditated for 142 days in a row and I can levitate dramatically see a difference in how I interact with the world. Meditation is often overly complicated with the numerous amounts of apps, the amount of time many suggest you meditate for, or just what feeling one is looking for. Listen here, there’s no wrong way to meditate.. take baby steps — go download any app and get started.

2. Body and Mind have an Insane Connection

So, I can’t personally speak for working out on the daily or every other day but there is one thing I can speak on. It’s state.. and Tony Robbins talks about this quite a bit. There’s a feeling you get when one of your favorite songs come on and you just FEEL the energy coming over you. This is control-able and can be turned on first thing in the morning.

Look up the power pose, and start JUMPING.

3. Create a Reading List

I’m often asked, “how can I read more” — and I believe they just aren’t searching in the right direction. Just find books that make your mind SPIN, and that’s different for everyone.

Walk into your nearest bookstore with an open mind and just look at book covers and take pictures of each book that just intrigues you. Once you’re home put them all in a list and set out to read all of these books throughout the year.

Before you know it, it’ll be like a game and you’ll look forward to reading on a daily basis.

4. “The World’s Strangest Secret”

The world’s strangest secret is that “we become what we think about”. Many of us don’t take this to heart and this involves EVERYTHING that we consume.

Types of conversations with friends, the news you watch, the people you follow on social media, ALL of these things impact who YOU are.

Be wary of that.

5. Be The Elevator Energy Around You

I believe that there are two types of people to be around within a conversation.

Energy drainers, and energy uplifters — I’ll give you a small example of the two.

Energy drainers: complain, lower the vibrations, and just cause problems.

Energy uplifters (elevator energy): compliment, uplift, positive, and just overall great people to be around and emulate.

Watch the person you are.

6. Writing Builds Your Thoughts

Since starting out my email newsletter about a year ago, honestly I’ve become a better writer and that was the goal of it all.

With that I had to be able to extract information from sources that and put it into my own words. There’s no wrong way to write, pick up a journal and get to it.

7. Vibe Attracts Your Tribe

If you frequently ask yourself “why is it that I only attract these types of people” you probably need to check in with yourself first.

There is a reason why they feel comfortable around you, you’re on the same plane.

Improve yourself and you’ll see the different types of people that will come around you.

8. Surround Yourself With Dreams

Something I modified with my room was to put quotes and just hang up things that remind me of the person I wish to become.

This could be related to the clothing you’d love to wear, the place you’d love to live, or just small little traits and qualities you admire. Surround yourself with this, it’ll change you faster than you expect.

9. Family Isn’t Always Blood

This is probably the hardest one for me to write.

Your blood relatives may have the best intentions for you, but at the same time won’t have the best intentions for you. You’ll meet others in your journey that resonate with you on another playing field.. that’s your family.

10. Your Own Process, Not Anyone Else’s

Comparison is the thief of joy, and with that understand that we all have a different path to travel on. Emulate but do not compare to others.

11. Master Patience

A lot of great things in life take time and effort for a lengthy moment. Things work out and then sometimes things don’t work out; understand that’s a part of life.

12. Remember Names

Try ultra hard to always remember the names of the people you first meet and mention it back to them as quickly as you can. Then for extra points, proceed to follow up with them on whatever platform you connect with afterwards.

13. Treat Your Inner Child

One thing I regret not doing over time was just treating my inner child; for me.. it meant watching anime here and there, playing a video game or two, or just hanging out with my friends. (*ゝω・)ノ

14. Social Skills are a Muscle

So, over this year and the last year — I really pushed myself to interacting with new people.

Going to the club (lol), going to more meetups, and just meeting up for coffee. At first, and honestly still makes me a little uneasy but once I get into flow and get the conversation going things become not as difficult!

I realized it’s like this because of the time I spent refining small skills, listening to youtube channels such as Charisma on Command

15. Everything is Designed to Change

The seasons change on this earth, the time changes, things rot, and even you are designed to change. Don’t be so adamant on staying the same way for life. Go where your heart is.

16. Mindfulness is also a Super Power

This one takes a bit to understand but I’ll explain it like this.

Imagine yourself drinking coffee in the morning, you take a sip from the warm mug, smelling the aroma of the beans, then to begin to taste the coffee in the morning.. analyzing every taste of it.

That’s kinda how mindfulness is but on the everyday. (I’m going to make coffee now)

17. Declutter — Digitally and Physically

A lot of people are going to shun this one off but.. just give it a try one day — go through all of your items or images on your phone and just clear it off.. notice how much more lightweight you’ll feel. Just give it a try.

18. Measure by Happiness

Let your heart guide you with majority of your decisions.. you know when you shouldn’t be somewhere. Then again you know when you should be somewhere.

19. Fashion is Important

Create a moodboard on what sort of outfits you like.. who you’d love to emulate. LOOK GOOD AND CREATE GOOD.

20. Scratch that “Itch”

Have you thought of painting in the past, but you feel like you don’t have any time for it? Put some time on the calendar for this weekend and just explore what it would be like to paint something..Honestly anything you’re curious about you should be exploring.. you don’t know what rabbit hole it’d lead down.

21. Curate Your Environment to the Best You Can

This goes hand and hand with minimalism — clearing out your space.. putting only objects that ONLY inspire you and just spark joy.

22. Create.

Create the habit of just creating things, you want to create as much as you consume. Little or small, just become used to it.

23. Single Task.

Don’t waste your time trying to work on two things at once, finish one and move onto the other.

24. Lead with Love.

You know what to do here.

Anyways to conclude this all, I honestly hope that one of these points made you stop and reflect on what’s going on in your life.

Wishing you the best.

Micah Carroll.

