Architecting Apps with RxSwift: Patterns and Best Practices

Mumen Shabaro
3 min readFeb 22, 2024

Architecting applications with RxSwift involves more than just understanding observables and operators; it requires a thoughtful approach to design and structure that promotes readability, maintainability, and scalability. This article explores patterns and best practices for building robust iOS applications using RxSwift.

Choosing the Right Architecture

The architecture you choose for your RxSwift app plays a crucial role in its success. While RxSwift can be integrated into any architectural pattern, some are more naturally suited to reactive programming:

  • MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel): RxSwift shines in MVVM architectures due to its binding capabilities between the View and ViewModel layers. RxSwift facilitates easy data binding and state management, making the MVVM pattern more intuitive and efficient.
  • Coordinator Pattern: The Coordinator pattern can be used in conjunction with MVVM to manage navigation logic. RxSwift observables can be used to trigger navigation actions, keeping your view controllers lightweight and focused on UI logic.

Data Binding

Data binding is a core concept in RxSwift, allowing for automatic synchronization between the UI and ViewModel. RxSwift’s RxCocoa extension provides UI bindings for UIKit components, making it easy to bind observables directly to UI elements.

  • Example: Binding a ViewModel property to a UILabel’s text property.

This code snippet binds the title observable in the ViewModel to the text property of a UILabel, ensuring the label updates automatically whenever the title changes.

Managing State

State management is crucial in reactive applications. RxSwift observables offer a powerful way to manage and propagate state changes across your app:

  • Immutable State: Prefer immutable state models to ensure predictability and simplicity in your state management. Use observables to represent state changes over time.
  • Shared State: Use subjects (e.g., PublishSubject, BehaviorSubject) to share state across different parts of your application. Subjects act as both observables and observers, making them ideal for state that needs to be both read and modified.

Error Handling

Proper error handling is essential in maintaining a smooth user experience. RxSwift provides mechanisms for handling errors in observable chains, allowing you to gracefully recover from errors or present meaningful feedback to the user.

  • Example: Using catchError to handle errors and provide a fallback value.

This snippet attempts to fetch items for a tableView. If an error occurs, it provides an empty array as a fallback, ensuring the UI can gracefully handle the error scenario.

Testing RxSwift Code

Testing is critical in ensuring the reliability of your RxSwift applications. RxSwift’s testing framework, RxTest, and its mocking library, RxBlocking, offer tools for writing unit tests for your observables and their side effects.

  • RxTest provides a TestScheduler for simulating the passage of time and a TestObserver for recording observable emissions.
  • RxBlocking allows for converting observables into blocking calls, making it easier to test asynchronous code synchronously.


Architecting apps with RxSwift requires careful consideration of patterns and practices that leverage the strengths of reactive programming. By adopting patterns like MVVM and Coordinator, utilizing data binding, managing state effectively, handling errors gracefully, and embracing testing, you can build scalable, maintainable, and robust iOS applications with RxSwift. Remember, the key to success with RxSwift lies in understanding the flow of data through your application and ensuring that components react smoothly to changes in state.

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Mumen Shabaro

Exploring tech & storytelling. Sharing insights on programming, savoring books, nature, and coffee. Join me on this journey, one story at a time.