Introduction to RxSwift

Mumen Shabaro
3 min readFeb 13, 2024


Welcome to the exciting world of RxSwift, the Swift implementation of Reactive Extensions (Rx). RxSwift brings the power of functional reactive programming (FRP) to Swift, allowing developers to write cleaner, more readable, and more concise code by working with observable sequences. This introductory article will guide you through the basics of RxSwift, from understanding observables to creating your first reactive application.

What is RxSwift?

RxSwift is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences. This approach makes it easier to deal with asynchronous data streams (like network responses, user inputs, and notifications) in a unified manner. At its core, RxSwift revolves around three main components: Observables, Operators, and Schedulers.

  • Observables: These are the heart of RxSwift. An observable emits notifications of change or events over time. Observers subscribe to observables to receive these updates.
  • Operators: Operators allow you to transform, filter, combine, and perform time-based operations on observable sequences. They are what make RxSwift so powerful and flexible.
  • Schedulers: Schedulers abstract away the concept of thread management, making it easier to specify the execution context of your operations, whether it’s on a background thread or the main UI thread.

Getting Started with RxSwift

To start using RxSwift, you’ll first need to add it to your project. If you’re using CocoaPods, you can add RxSwift by including pod 'RxSwift', '~> 6.0' and pod 'RxCocoa', '~> 6.0' in your Podfile. RxCocoa extends RxSwift, adding reactive functionalities to Cocoa frameworks.

Creating Your First Observable

An observable sequence can emit zero or more events over its lifecycle. Here’s how you can create a simple observable:

This observable sequence emits a single string and then completes.

Subscribing to Observables

To receive and respond to the emitted events, you need to subscribe to the observable:

In this example, the subscription prints the emitted value, handles a potential error, and acknowledges completion.

Disposing and Memory Management

Memory management is crucial in RxSwift. Disposables are used to manage the lifecycle of a subscription. A DisposeBag helps manage multiple disposables by disposing of them when the dispose bag is deallocated.

Why Use RxSwift?

RxSwift can significantly simplify the handling of asynchronous operations and events. It makes your code more declarative, leading to fewer bugs and memory leaks. RxSwift shines in scenarios involving complex data flows and user interactions, making tasks like form validation, network requests, and UI updates straightforward and efficient.


This introduction has scratched the surface of what’s possible with RxSwift. By understanding observables, subscriptions, and disposables, you’re now ready to dive deeper into the world of functional reactive programming in Swift. Stay tuned for more articles that will cover operators, error handling, and advanced RxSwift concepts, empowering you to write even more effective and elegant Swift applications.

RxSwift Series:



Mumen Shabaro

Exploring tech & storytelling. Sharing insights on programming, savoring books, nature, and coffee. Join me on this journey, one story at a time.