Do You Know The Secret Behind The Longevity Of The People Of Hunza?

Mumii's Thought
2 min readFeb 24, 2023


Grandmother Sitara Numa

Are you from Pakistan? if not! then Have you heard of Hunza Gilgit Baltistan?
Or if you are Pakistani’ then did you visit the northern area of Pakistan, especially the Hunza Valley?

The thrilling Hunza Valley is located in Gilgit Baltistan, a mountainous territory in Pakistan rich in history and breathtaking scenery.
Hunza people are thought to have an average lifespan of 100 years or more, although some may live much longer.
Hunza cuisine, in particular, is rich in different styles and flavorings. They largely have a flavorful sauce, but, they are also graced with homegrown vegetables, fruits, and other organic and natural products.
They eat healthy organic foods like sundried apricots and drink mountain green tea, as well as their traditional foods such as chapshuro, gral/gyaling, ghilmindi, diram pitti, harrisa, molida, baath, chilpindok, yak meat, and many others.
These are organic products that don’t incorporate any other harmful ingredients; they are pure and natural.

Here are some fantastic Hunza People hints for you to learn from!

1. HUNZA WATER (PURE WATER): Because Hunza people live inside the Himalayan mountains, they have incredibly simple access to pure water that is really rich in calcium, mineral deposits, and potassium.

2: Their winter diet: consists mainly of dry fruits, cheese, fresh butter, raw vegetables, apricot oil (rich in vitamin B17), and yak meat.

3: Their Summer Diet: In the summer, they eat only fresh and organic food products, and they suffer from no diseases.\

4: Physical Activity: Throughout, the Year: They walk nearly 20 miles per day on average, and they take hiking trips as well as other mountainous areas on a daily basis.
5-Alcohol consumption: Alcohol is not widely consumed in this region.

6: Vegetarian way of life: they are mostly vegetarians and eat very little meat (except YAK and ibex Meat)

7: Green Tea Addiction: People in Hunza are mostly addicted to green tea because the area is rich in this resource. Some well-known green brews with no side effects include Seabuckthorn (hipphophea rhamnoides) green tea, Tumuru herbal tea (wild thyme), and Bozlanj green tea.

8-Medicinal plant use: This area of Pakistan has the greatest proportion of medicinal plants, that are used to treat a variety of ailments such as cough, fever, cancer, heartburn, headache, jaundice, and so forth. In rare instances, pharmacological treatment is used.

