How to pack my travel bag for Umrah 2024 Journey

Muminah Tannous
3 min readMay 16, 2024

Let’s ensure you are well-equipped with all the necessary items as you prepare for your upcoming trip with Umrah Companions. Below is a complete packing list of everything you need for your Umrah pilgrimage. Take only what you feel is crucial for your needs; don’t feel forced to bring everything on that list (apart from the travel necessities).

Note that the hotel can supply many of these things, which are available at nearby shops in Makah and Madinah. Do not fret, dear fellow traveller! This informative handbook will provide you with all the details you need to prepare for your holy journey in 2024 with the utmost accuracy.

Adopt Minimalism: Pack for Purpose

Your packing for Umrah schedule is designed around religious demands, not leisure time. Thus, it prevents the urge to overpack. Lighter baggage makes moving easier during Sa’i (walking between Safa and Marwa) and Tawaf (circumambulation). Suppose yourself a blessing to your physical and emotional health, moving among crowds of pilgrims while holding a manageable bag.

Give Essential Clothes First Priority:

For Ihram, men needed two unstitched white clothes, while women must bring loose-fitting, breathable attire that meets Islamic law. Pick natural textiles like linen or cotton to relieve the heat in Saudi Arabia. Think about using neutral colours that will cover up stains well. For women, bring a cosy abaya (cloak) and hijab; for men, bring comfortable clothes. Remember, modesty is essential.

Travel Essentials: Pack for Convenience

Currency and Documents: Verify that your passport has a valid Umrah visa and is valid for at least six months beyond your travel dates. Keep extra copies of your passport and visa with you for safety concerns. Prepaid travel cards are an easy choice if you want to exchange some cash for Saudi Riyals in advance.

Essentials for Prayer: Take a prayer mat, a prayer cap (optional for men), a compass or Qibla locating app to discover the direction of the Kaaba, and a small Quran (if preferred). A misbaha (prayer beads) could provide you peace and memories during your devotions.

Remember the Fundamentals:

Packing undergarments and socks: You should pack adequate, cosy, breathable undergarments and socks for your journey. The best materials to prevent sweat in hot weather are the ones that dry quickly.

Hygiene and necessities: Carry travel-sized equivalents of basic needs such as toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, and conditioners. Choose odourless items as a favour to other pilgrims. In an emergency, wet wipes are very handy for an instant refresh. If required, consider adopting hygiene products.

Shoes for the Journey: Invest in a strong, comfortable pair of walking shoes. Comfort should take priority above style across your Umrah, as you’ll be walking a lot. Bring along an extra pair of sandals for routine use.

Smart Packing: Pack Wisely to Save Space and Avoid Stress.

Make Use of Packing Cubes: Purchase packing cubes for organizing what you have.

It allows you to find whatever you need faster and saves space simultaneously. Roll, Don’t Fold: Rolling the clothes reduces lines while giving you the most feasible amount of luggage capacity.

Make Sensible Use of Carry-On Space: Carry necessary items in the carry-on bag, such as toiletries, prescription medications, and an additional set of clothes. It eliminates inconvenience in the unlikely scenario that your checked baggage is delayed and ensures you have immediate access to these belongings.

Extra Advice for a Stress-Free Trip:

Get the Must-Have Apps:

  • Install apps to help you travel the city.
  • Translate languages.
  • Maintain track of prayer times.

These can be beneficial tools for your Umrah.

Bring a tiny Sewing Kit: A tiny sewing kit can be beneficial if you need to repair your clothing while travelling quickly.

Label Your Baggage: To avoid airport misunderstandings, clearly identify your luggage with your name, address, phone number, and destination.

Keep in mind that connecting with Allah and growing your spirituality are among the primary objectives of your Umrah journey. Travel light, focus on your goals, and embrace the life-altering opportunities the holy cities of Makah and Madinah offer.



Muminah Tannous

To provide Hajj and Umrah related news and information is my passion.