Mummy Rebirth is now ON AIR!

5 min readAug 8, 2023


🤔What is Mummy Rebirth?

Mummy Rebirth is the revolutionary next chapter in our journey that you simply cannot miss! It’s the culmination of our hard work, dedication, and cutting-edge technology, all coming together to bring you an experience like never before.

If you haven’t caught up with our latest news yet, fear not! Head over to the article here to discover all the thrilling details and join the excitement!

Let’s delve into the most important part 👇

Mummy Rebirth Benefits

The most crucial part has arrived, Mummy Rebirth NFT Collection will bring you fantastic benefits and perks that will leave you amazed!!!

When you mint Mummy Rebirth, we have some exciting benefits in store for you:

  • Receive a refund in multiDAI. (Only for NFT V1 holders)
  • Receive an esMMY bonus (which can be vested without a reserve only if you don’t stake it first). These esMMY tokens are sourced from our Dev Fund, Treasury, and Vault.
  • The revenue generated from minting will be carefully divided:

+ 50% of the revenue will be used to boost the MLP v2 (utilizing LayerZero’s assets) liquidity pool, ensuring a healthier ecosystem. All the rewards will be directed back to Mummy Rebirth stakers.

+ The remaining 50% will be reinvested to earn fees for the protocol and maintain the protocol, thereby increasing overall profitability. These funds could also be used to add liquidity for MMY/WTFM at this stage.

  • As an additional perk, Mummy Rebirth stakers will receive a 10% fee from protocol in $FTM, adding extra value to your holdings. The fee-sharing portion of the protocol will be updated as follows: (This portion will be subjected to re-voting after 1 year)

+ MMY/esMMY stakers: 30%

+ MLP stakers: 60%

+ NFT stakers: 10%

For instance: Since its launch on Fantom 8 months ago, Mummy has yielded approximately $2.8 million. As a result, rewards will be distributed to NFT stakers, with the aforementioned portion amounting to $280,000, in addition to the rewards derived from staking MLP in the Treasury.

  • Users will have the opportunity to engage in the decision-making process to determine allocation and guide protocol development. Remember, for Governance voting, holding NFTs is all that matters, regardless of MMY ownership.
  • Mummy Rebirth is integrated with LayerZero’s advanced technology, paving the way for future bridging possibilities.

We’re dedicated to making your journey with Mummy NFT extraordinary and filled with rewards! Hold on tight for an incredible adventure with us! 🎁

Mummy Rebirth Sale Details

Contract address:

Total supply: 10,000 NFTs (5,000 for fully V1 NFT burning and the rest 5,000 for new users)

Initial power points: 10,000

Initial bonus esMMY: 44

Initial price: 444 $FTM

Launching time: August 8th, 2023

The early bird catches the plump worm

⚠️Please be aware that each group of Mummy NFTs holds a unique power percentage. With every 100 Mummy NFTs minted, their prices soar by 1%, while Power and bonus esMMY decrease by 1%. Act now and be rewarded! The sooner you mint, the more economical the price and the greater the power percentage you will acquire.


Wallets that have staked MMY or esMMY will not be able to vest bonus esMMY from minting Mummy Rebirth without maintaining a reserve. To vest those esMMY without a reserve, we recommend using a new wallet for minting Mummy Rebirth.

If you’re holding V1 NFTs, ensure that you transfer all of them to the new wallet for burning, which will enable you to receive your multiDAI shares.

If you have been vesting your bonuses from minting old NFTs without staking any MMY or esMMY, you can continue minting Mummy Rebirth on this wallet and depositing your bonus esMMY to vest.

❓How to mint Mummy Rebirth?

Step 1: (Skip this step if you are a new user) If you are staking your Mummy NFT V1, please access to unstake all of your NFT.

Step 2: Access the Mint page

Step 3: Choose the NFT amount that you want to mint.

Step 4: (Skip this step if you are a new user) Choose Mummy NFT V1 if you want to burn. If you do not choose any NFT V1 to burn, you will not receive your share of multiDAI.

Step 5: Click on the ‘Mint’ button.

Step 6: Confirm the order in your wallet.


1. I have many NFTs V1, what should I do if I want to vest bonus esMMY from minting Mummy Rebirth without reserve?

  • If you have previously staked MMY and esMMY, you need to transfer your NFT V1 to a new wallet, then Mint your Mummy Rebirth there.
  • If you have not previously stakedMMY and esMMY, you can deposit and vest directly.

2. I possess NFT V1 but I don’t want to vest bonus esMMY from minting Mummy Rebirth, just stake to earn fees

  • You can stake as usual, but later, vesting will require a reserve amount

3. I don’t have any NFT V1, so do I need to follow these steps above to mint Mummy Rebirth?

Here is the instruction for users who have never held NFT v1:

  • If you have staked MMY and esMMY: Use a new wallet to mint to be able to vest bonus esMMY without maintaining a reserve
  • If you have not staked MMY and esMMY:
  • If you want to vest: Vest immediately without staking
  • If you want to stake: After staking, vesting will necessitate a reserve

4. Do bonus esMMY from minting Mummy Rebirth need reserve?

  • No, they don’t. However, in case you have staked MMY or esMMY before vesting, they’ll require a reserve amount.

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