Mummy V2 Integration — Solution for The Recent Incident

4 min readJul 20, 2023


The Multichain’s overall picture

The recent incidents involving Multichain have had a detrimental impact on our ecosystem, particularly on $MMY and $MLP. As communicated on Discord & Telegram, we are fully aware of the consequences that the recent hack on Multichain has brought upon Liquidity Providers (LPs), token holders, and users of the protocol. The interconnected nature of the Multichain protocol has also resulted in challenges for Mummy, and we are actively working to address these issues.

Furthermore, it has come to our attention that the multitoken, including BTC, ETH, USDC, USDT, and DAI, are currently depegged. This poses additional challenges for our platform as we navigate the ever-changing crypto landscape.

Mummy team’s solutions

To address these issues and ensure a smoother experience for our users, we have taken decisive action. We have migrated Mummy to V2 on the Fantom network, which brings with it enhanced features and functionalities that will significantly improve your trading experience.

Furthermore, we are introducing a new bridging solution that utilizes assets from LayerZero. This new approach will not only enhance the security of our platform but also enable seamless and efficient asset transfers between different networks.


1. Do we need to unstake esMMY on V1 then restake on V2?

As the Mummy V1 does not generate rewards anymore, we strongly recommend you should unstake your assets on V1 using and then restake on V2 using This will ensure a smooth transition to the new version.

2. How to transfer from V1 to V2?

To transfer from V1 to V2, follow these steps:

3. If I open a position on Mummy V1, what should I do?

You need to manage your position to maximize your return and avoid being liquidated. When closing the position, you will receive the MLP V1 assets. You can find your V1 position at:

For a new position, we suggest you should open it on Mummy V2:

4. What’s about MMY on Fantom?

Regarding $MMY on Fantom, it is functioning as usual. If you have already staked your $MMY in Mummy V1, please unstake your assets and then restake on Mummy V2.

Alternatively, you could bridge your $MMY from Fantom to Optimism or Arbitrum via the Layer Zero bridge. Please note that we’re upgrading the staking $MMY contract on Optimism, so you’re unable to stake your $lzMMY now. More details will be released soon.

5. I cannot see my current vesting of esMMY on V2, what happened?

The vesting contract is separated for each Mummy version. Therefore, your esMMY vesting on V1 will remain there. You need to deposit and reserve to continue vesting. But we encourage you to switch to v2. Because we will migrate all MMY assets, as well as rewards, from v1 to v2

The upcoming esMMY emission on V2 will be staked and vested on V2.

6. When we unstake our MMY from the legacy Mummy site, do I lose our multiplier points and the esMMY?

When you unstake your $MMY from the legacy Mummy site, unfortunately, you will lose your multiplier points. However, regarding esMMY, you can unstake them at and restake them at

7. Can I exchange MLP V1 for MLP V2?

Unfortunately, MLP V1 and MLP V2 are not interchangeable because MLP V1 utilizes Multichain assets, while MLP V2 utilizes LayerZero assets. As MLP V1 is not utilized for trading actions anymore, we suggest you should move your liquidity to MLP V2.

8. What’s about the Vaults on Fantom?

We’re working on new vault contracts on Mummy V2 to keep generating rewards for users. For now, we suggest you should unstake your MMY and MLP assets from the current vaults and stake them to Mummy V2. More details will be disclosed in the coming plan.

9. How about bridging and staking MMY on Optimism and Arbitrum?

Recently, you already can bridge your assets seamlessly between Fantom, Optimism, and Arbitrum. With this new feature, you have the flexibility to move your assets across different networks, enabling a more efficient and convenient trading experience.

Click here to bridge your MMY:

Final talk

We are actively working with the Fantom Foundation to provide more solutions to assist Mummy users. We will update as soon as there are any coming solutions.

Additionally, we are excited to share that staking for $lzMMY on Optimism is coming soon! Get ready to earn rewards and take advantage of the benefits that come with staking your $lzMMY tokens.

Thanks again for your understanding and support for Mummy during this difficult time. We’re doing our best to bring the earning flywheel back and provide more benefits for our beloved users.

Stay tuned for more updates from the Mummy team!

