Is Hair Transplant the Only Solution to Hair Loss?

Anayah ismail
2 min readMay 4, 2017


Hair loss is a common problem nowadays due to many causes like unhealthy diet, pollution, drinking less water, weakness, dandruff etc. If you are worried about the fact that whether the hair transplant the only solution to hair loss or not? Are there any other treatments for the hair loss or hair replacement in sharjah? So you have come to the right place because I am going to tell you the true answer in this article.
Some treatments need to be repeated every few weeks in order to maintain their results. Other solutions sound good but just for a shorter time period like:
• Laser cap treatment.
• Platelet-rich plasma treatment for women.

I will try to clear your worries in easiest words possible. The answer for your query is…. Yes! Hair transplant in sharjah is the only solution to hair loss and if you want permanent and natural hair then you should opt for hair transplant from Dubai hair transplant clinic. Unfortunately, there is no natural hair replacement that can fix your problem for life.
In any hair transplant surgery, whether it’s FUE or FUT, hair roots are taken from the Donor area/ back side of your head and implanted to your bald area/ recipient area. The newly implanted hair is permanent and grows just like normal hair. No one can detect transplanted hair from natural hair and you can cut and color it just like your normal hair.
Most people want a naturl hair restoration method . Some of the techniques produce good results and help a person to regain his youthful looks again. So for these reasons, Dubai hair transplant clinic offers you to fulfill your needs and get natural hair again and keep them forever.

Other Options

1)Medicationsoral and topical medications.
2) Finasterideoral medication not only helps to control hair loss but also helps to grow new hair.
3) Minoxidiltopical solution that is applied on hair thinning areas which stops further hair loss.
Mesotherapya mix of medications, enzymes, and minerals are injected into the scalp via microinjections, these injections allow greater circulation of blood and provide nutrition to the hair follicles.
ACell-PRP Hair Loss TherapyA mixture of ACell’s Matristem system and the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) allows greater nutrition to the scalp. PRP is obtained from the patient’s own blood. Both are mixed and injected into the scalp to help the hair to regrow.
So if you are facing some serious hair thinning issues, the above-mentioned hair replacement options may show wonderful results on you. However, if you have a severe hair loss, a Hair Transplant clinic in sharjah remains your best choice to regain permanent and natural looking hair.

