5 acts of kindness

Muniba Aslam
2 min readFeb 23, 2019


In my life of 20 years I have observed that people are very much dependent on one another . Either in the form of relations or any work issues . What make all these acts together complete and rich with affection and care is kindness.

Throw kindness like CONFETTI

I was assigned a project to do 5 acts of kindness in a time period of 24 hours . do you know what comes into my mind when I thought of doing this act .

How can I do it?

although it seems easy to say that we should show kindness toward humanity but practicing kindness toward humanity is like killing your self and doing something SELFLESSLY. Coming back to the context I started pondering on the things which I can do …. every thing was looking so impossible and demanding , may be its because I personally am not able to do this on daily basis . So I just mindlessly did this:

  1. Helped my younger sister preparing for her test tomorrow
  2. Made lunch for everyone at home since every one in my household is working all day
  3. I gave money to an old man begging on street who was asking for food
  4. I don’t demand change back from the autowala as he didn’t had any .

5.I taught one of my classmate how to plot graph on EXCEL.

so what I gained in return of doing the above things INTENTIONALLY. It was just a bit of happiness , satisfaction or one can say Inner Peace . In this age where there is hustle and bustle and a race to complete the assigned tasks everyday people are now becoming vulnerable of humans. there are just machines fed with codes that led to completion of tasks only

If we can incorporate even a little bit of kindness this world will be that ideal world which our teachers once taught us in kindergarten.

