Ethereum — Smart Contracts Compile and Deploy — Part II

Munish Kohli
3 min readJan 6, 2019


Using Node.Js to Deploy Smart Contracts

Courtesy Google Image

As we saw in previous article Compile.js spits out Bytecode and ABI when compiled.

In this article we will write Node.js which takes all the input (Bytecode, ABI, Constructor Arguments, Gas amount) and outputs contract address. Later contract address and ABI can be used by other applications or Smart Contracts to build dApps. Above diagram describes what I just wrote. We will write Node.js for deploying to local blockchain environment, Ganache. It makes deployment process just so easy to test. Later in other articles I will show how to deploy to test networks. Create a folder deploy and file deploy.js in this folder. We will use web3.js libraries which allows to connect with local or test Ethereum networks. Web3.js is a JavaScript framework to build distributed apps (dApps). Follow below code. In bold are actual commands.

const Web3 = require(‘web3’); //Web3 is a constructor

Using above constructor, we create an instance of web3.

ganache-cli is a provider for connection to local blockchain. Consider it as communication layer between web3 and a particular Ethereum network. Each network (Test or Live) has its own provider. This provider sends and receive messages between network and web3.

const ganache = require(‘ganache-cli’);

Below require statement refers to the compile.js from previous article and captures Interface and Bytecode from compile.js. Remember module.exports as a last statement within compile.js.

const { interface, bytecode } = require(‘../compile’);

While running deploy script in case you land into error “possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 error listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.” Use below command

require(‘events’). EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = 100;

Write a function deploySC which is deploying smart contract. Remember every function in web3 is of asynchronous nature. That’s why function is wrapped with async. Read Promises, async and await in Java script in case you are not familiar. For asynchronous programming getting grasp of Promise and async/await is quite an important.

const deploySC = async () => {

accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); //eth is module of web3 library

console.log (‘Total number of accounts provided by Ganache ‘+accounts.length);

console.log (‘List of Accounts:’);

console.log(accounts); //Print all 10 accounts provided by Ganache

Below Java script parses captured interface (In Red) from compile.js and bytecode is passed as data. Interface is ABI layer for other applications to access functions of SC. Bytecode is what EVM understand and runs SC. Remember constructor of our contract expects an integer. That’s why 2000 is passed as an argument. Every deployment of contract is a transaction and transaction in Ethereum network demands gas. That’s why out of 10 accounts provided by Ganache one of the accounts [0] is passed as from address. This account already contains fake ethers. One of the argument is gas in .send function. I have given an arbitrary big value of 5 mil so that deployment does not run out of gas. Any transaction in Ethereum demands gas. We set gas limit (or some call gas start) and provide gas fee for transaction to succeed.

const deployContract = await new web3.eth.Contract(JSON.parse(interface))

.deploy({data: bytecode, arguments: [2000]})

.send({ from: accounts[0], gas:5000000});

console.log(‘deployment done’);

//This print contract address on successful deployment

console.log(‘SC Address ‘+deployContract.options.address);


deploySC(); //Call function to deploy contract

From the command prompt run node deploy.js from same folder where deploy.js is residing. When contract gets deployed, contract address is generated. In Ethereum world there are 2 kinds of addresses.

Externally owned Account (EOA) and Contract address. In above script accounts [0] is EOA or public address through which one can send and receive ethers. Every account address resides in a Wallet and linked to its unique private key. Contract address can also receive Ethers, but main distinction from EOA is Contract address can also receive and send messages/data. Watch out for my next article which will be an explanation of Encryption, Wallets, MetaMask, Public and Private keys concepts.

Useful links for Promise, Async/Await

I will appreciate your claps in case you like this article.



Munish Kohli

Technology Enthusiast | Business & Data Analyst | Machine Learning | Big Data | Blockchain | IBM Hyperledger | Ethereum Smart Contracts