How to Transform your Commute into a Powerful Learning Experience

Munish Kohli
3 min readSep 9, 2018


Whether it’s thirty minutes on the subway, an hour in the car, or twenty minutes on a bicycle, we spend quite a bit of time traveling to and from work. It can be hard to take advantage of this time, as many of us would rather use it to relax, de-stress, and not think about our to-do lists.

In the United States alone, approximately 25 million workers spend more than 90 minutes each day getting to and from their jobs, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. When Ford Motor Company surveyed 5,500 people in six European cities, many ranked commuting as more stressful than their jobs, moving into a new house, or going to the dentist.

For the past fifteen years, my commute from New Jersey to Midtown NYC has been about one hour 30 minutes each way. Last year, I switched jobs and joined a different bank in Downtown NYC, which increased my commute to two hours each way, amounting to a total of four hours spent on public transportation each workday. Only recently, I actively turned my sour commute sweet by using my smartphone to accomplish the learning I didn’t have time for when I got home in the evening.

The hours I spend on the bus each day give me so much time to learn and grow. I had always thought that a career was a road, a direct path with a final destination. I had to climb a ladder with predetermined rungs to get to where I wanted to. However, my vision of career growth is far from today’s reality. When technology is displacing the norm and disrupting every industry at a rapid pace, we can no longer predict the future. Now, we have to succeed when the future is unpredictable.

When I am on the bus during the day, I spend my time focused on acquiring the technological and business skills that are changing the landscape. I recently started reading and becoming involved in the different communities — blockchain, AI, big data, cryptocurrency, machine learning, economics — to name a few. I delved into Coursera, an online learning platform that offers certificates and specializations through videos and lectures. After finishing my first course, I found myself excited to start the second. As I completed more videos and courses, I was thinking “What’s next?” Fueled by this excitement, I completed

  1. Business Strategies for A Better World — Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania
  2. Machine Learning — Stanford University
  3. Machine Learning with Big Data — University of California
  4. Big Data Modeling and Management Systems — University of California
  5. IBM Blockchain Foundation for Developers — IBM
  6. Economics of Money and Banking — Columbia University

We are lifelong students — there is always more knowledge to gain and more skills to acquire. I used my smartphone as a tool to build upon my knowledge and increase my productivity to get where I want to be.

Most workers feel that their commutes are a necessary evil, and endure the misery that comes with it. As a result, they arrive at their jobs and homes depleted, and their performance and well-being suffer. However, I know from my experience that it is possible to improve your commute by turning it into a more positive experience.

The takeaway is simple. While there is a time and place to disconnect and take a breather, a commute into the office might not be the best place for that. Using your commute time to learn and absorb, rather than distract yourself with social media or a new music album, can lead you to feel that the time had actual value. In turn, this can eliminate some of the emotional costs of commuting.

As you’re stuck in traffic, waiting for a delayed train, or finding a seat in a crowded subway car, you may feel you have little control over your commute. But you can assuage that frustration by focusing on what you can control: how you spend your time during the trip.

Thanks to my daughter Mansha and son Mannan for proofreading this article.

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Munish Kohli

Technology Enthusiast | Business & Data Analyst | Machine Learning | Big Data | Blockchain | IBM Hyperledger | Ethereum Smart Contracts