News Dashboard with R-Shiny

Munish Kohli
3 min readJan 29, 2022

R-Shiny is a perfect marriage made in heaven. R is a flexible programming language enhanced by third-party packages. Shiny allows developers to bring R back-end power to its front end aided by immense GUI libraries. This article will show you how R package riingo is wired into Shiny to pull news from various media channels.

RIINGO is an R package with an interface to TIINGO various APIs. TIINGO offers quite a several functionalities like the download of stock price, company fundamentals, cryptocurrency prices, and others. Refer to this link for TIINGO complete products. Some of the TIINGO APIs are free, but with limited capabilities. Newsfeed is one of the API TIINGO provides through an R package riingo which you can download from CRAN. Access to TIINGO APIs requires a token that is like a password and you need to keep it safe.

News API is not free. As an individual subscriber, I am paying $10 to access various services and my news feed is part of it. API name is riingo_news. Below are the parameters. You can choose to download financial news by supplying a ticker. Refer to this link for a complete and easy description of the parameters. The application I have built is not focused on displaying financial news only. It brings top latest 30 news from various channels. This means the limit is of value 30 in riingo_news API. As you can see its pretty API is pretty small, easy to code, and flexible.

API → riingo_news(ticker = NULL, start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, tags = NULL, source = NULL, limit = 100, offset = 0)

Click on the News tab to see the full functionality of an application I built. Here is a link.

After news feeds are extracted I render them into a data table with each news having a link to its media site. Once clicked on a channel name in the top section, scroll down to view all news, click on the news link and you will be directed to a new page. No rocket science here. As you can see within an application news feeds are grouped into their categories. For example, general news is labeled in a group, financial news is in, and so on. I randomly picked channels based on what I visited from time to time. In case you think any particular channel needs to be included and riingo supports it, let me know. In case any listed channel not working please write in the comments.

At this time application doesn’t offer search keyword functionality for particular news. It just brings and displays all news.

Next to the NEWS dashboard is a tab GoogleTrend built with R-Shiny. Refer to my article on GoogleTrend-R.

In case you like this article, observe any errors or find the application useful please write in the comments or clap.



Munish Kohli

Technology Enthusiast | Business & Data Analyst | Machine Learning | Big Data | Blockchain | IBM Hyperledger | Ethereum Smart Contracts