Pregnancy blog: Six Weeks In

Manisha Sandhu
5 min readJun 10, 2019
Photo by Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash

I shifted to let the pregnancy stick catch urine. Was it five seconds? Did I catch enough? I placed it near me on the counter top, washed my hands and waited for the results. I was dog-sitting my boss’ dog that week so we both waited for results at 6 am on a Friday morning. A few minutes went by and the classic, heart-dropping, life-changing + appeared in the window. I was pregnant. Disbelief turned into shock turned into adrenaline and fear. I picked up my phone and called my husband. A country away, he groggily picked up at three am and said, “hi babe”. I showed him the positive pregnancy test.

We’re pregnant,” I said, seconds before bursting into ugly, loud sobbing. The puppy stopped whining for attention immediately and sat next to me, somber and serious for once. Looking back, it must have been adrenaline, fear and excitement all rolled up into a reaction that resembled panic. I arrived to work an hour later, with puffy eyes and no makeup. I googled chances of false positives with over the counter pregnancy tests (roughly 3% chance) throughout the day and looked at, “what to do when pregnant” google results.

Evidently, our one night of careless sex had hit the mark. We’re now six weeks pregnant.

This is an article of the first few weeks of pregnancy.



Manisha Sandhu

Wanderer (or "consultant" in professional terms) learning to navigate through the world.