Dyson Sphere Program: Building Factories Among the Stars

Construct, Expand, and Fuel Your Cosmic Ambitions

Petr Sobotka
4 min readFeb 24, 2024


So, finally, I’ve managed to carve out a precious sliver of time to immerse myself in the intricate world of Dyson Sphere Program.

It stands tall among recent favorites like Factorio and Captain of Industry, forming a trifecta of captivating “factory construction games.”

Dyson Sphere Program, unlike its counterparts, doesn’t confine players to a solitary island or planet.

Instead, it thrusts them into a sprawling cosmos, with multiple planets awaiting exploration simultaneously.

Our journey begins on one such planet, accompanied by the steadfast companion, Ikarus — a robotic marvel capable of construction, mining, flight, and a myriad of other tasks.

Source: Dyson Sphere Program website

Yet, to unleash Ikarus’s full potential, fuel is the key.

Fuel sources vary from rudimentary wood and coal to more sophisticated materials and batteries.

However, the allure of distant planets beckons with promises of untapped resources. On the first planet, where you start building you factories, you will find only some of required ones for further advancement, so you will need expand sooner or later.

Each world serves as a canvas for industrial ambitions, where sprawling mining operations can be established on one side, while towering power plants emerge on the other. And you will need a lot of power, so do not expect that one or two wind turbines will be enough for powering only of couple buildings.

It’s a delicate dance, strategically orchestrated to optimize productivity, all while bearing in mind the celestial bodies’ rotational dynamics.

Yup, the planets are rotating and even orbiting the sun, albeit in a limited way. As a player, this means you’ll need to take this into account when building structures, possibly to construct the Dyson Sphere itself (as it’s done by cannons that “shoot” parts of that megastructure into the star’s orbit). And since the planets aren’t at a constant distance from each other, you’ll need to plan your transfers between them to save energy.

Source: Dyson Sphere Program website

But why venture beyond the confines of one planet?

The answer lies, as I already wrote, in the scarcity of resources.

Individual planets offer only a fraction of what’s needed to achieve the ultimate goal: the construction of a Dyson Sphere — a colossal megastructure encircling the local star. And it is not only about scarcity, but also various types of resources are present only on some places in the star system.

This monumental undertaking demands nothing short of unwavering dedication and patience, with progress measured in countless (well, maybe a bit less) hours of meticulous planning and execution.

The complexity of production chains isn’t as intricate as in other games of this kind. Sure, over time, you’ll encounter more complex chains, but it still feels like the younger brother of similar games. However, that’s not necessarily a bad thing at the end of the day.

A recent update has injected fresh complexity into the gameplay, introducing spaceborne threats hostile to expansive structures.

To confront these adversaries, players must employ cunning strategy and fortify their defenses, ensuring the safety of their burgeoning cosmic empire.

Source: Dyson Sphere Program website

Witnessing the seamless orchestration of sprawling factories is a spectacle unto itself, made all the more mesmerizing by the game’s vibrant and captivating color palette.

For some, the color might be overwhelming. You can see it in the screenshot yourself — it’s that kind of oversaturated graphics. However, somehow it fits the game well.

So, when is the opportune moment to embark on this cosmic odyssey?

Without hesitation, I say now.

With its immersive gameplay and boundless potential, Dyson Sphere Program offers not mere hours, but entire galaxies of enjoyment, waiting to be explored and conquered.

Gaming Obsession

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Petr Sobotka

Data Analyst and Basketball Coach, Dreamer and Writer, Fantasy and Crime books lover. Father and Loving Husband. Simply me.