Are Democratic Officials Really Trying to Defund the Police?

Dr. Munr Kazmir
Dialogue & Discourse


Or is it merely posturing?

Black Lives Matter — Century City Protest — June 6, 2020. (photo: morrisonbrett)

When it comes to our government institutions- all our public agencies, offices, departments and bureaus- the ultimate oversight isn’t another agency. It isn’t internal affairs. It isn’t a more senior member from within the same system.

The ultimate oversight for the U.S. government is the voting public: We the people.

Voters are the 153 million-strong supervisory branch of the U.S. government. We are a managerial class of people who far outnumber those who purport to serve and represent us.

Voters also have the occasional cooperation of other members of society. While they may not always vote, they may be willing to protest- if they are pushed far enough by the egregiousness of blinding injustice.

As the ultimate oversight department of all public works, voters have a right and a responsibility to demand accountability, transparency and value from those we elect to public service.

Using our constitutionally protected rights to free speech and peaceful protest is a public service, too; designed to exercise the incalculable power of the people in a Democracy.

Given the current outpouring of public support for efforts to reform police departments and policing in…

