Wanna be Johan Liebert ? check this..

Dim Light
2 min readAug 1, 2023


Johan Liebert is a fictional character from the manga and anime series “Monster” and he is known for his intelligence and charisma. However, it’s important to remember that he is a fictional character and his actions and behavior are not something to emulate.Being charismatic and intelligent is a combination of traits that can be developed through practice and effort. Here are some things that can help:

Practice active listening and effective communication: Being able to listen attentively and communicate effectively can help you connect with others and build trust.

Read and continue learning: Reading and learning new things can help you develop a broader understanding of the world and improve your critical thinking skills.

Work on self-confidence: Self-confidence can help you come across as more charismatic and self-assured.

Try to follow this some general guidelines :}

1 Cultivate empathy:

Johan’s lack of empathy is a significant aspect of his dark personality. Instead, strive to be empathetic towards others, understanding their emotions and experiences.

2 Pursue education and knowledge:

Johan is highly intelligent and well-read. Work on expanding your knowledge through reading, learning, and engaging in various subjects.

3 Be charismatic, but use it for positive purposes:

Johan’s charisma is one of his most dangerous tools. Develop your charisma, but use it to inspire and uplift others rather than manipulate or harm them.

4 Promote peace and understanding:

Johan is a master manipulator, adept at creating chaos. Instead, be an advocate for peace, dialogue, and understanding among people.

5 Be ambitious, but ethically:

Johan’s ambition drives him to pursue his dark desires. Channel your ambition towards achieving your goals while maintaining ethical standards and values.

6 Focus on self-improvement:

Johan’s character is filled with deep-rooted issues. Work on improving yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically to lead a more balanced life.

7 Form meaningful connections:

Johan’s inability to form meaningful relationships is a significant flaw. Instead, build strong connections with friends and family, supporting and cherishing those relationships.

8 Seek professional help if needed:

Johan is a troubled character who would benefit from professional help. If you find yourself struggling with mental health issues, do not hesitate to seek help from a qualified therapist or counselor.

Practice empathy: Being able to put yourself in other people’s shoes can help you connect with them on a deeper level.

Observe all the time, everyone and everything!

Think and then say anything.

Be silent and not loud. Rather than raising your voice, put a more powerful counter point that’s it.

