Conversational UI: Five Danger Zones

Common pitfalls in chatbot design, and how to avoid them

Cheryl Platz
Published in
5 min readMay 8, 2018


Whether you’re building a chatbot or extending a voice assistant, we’re still in early times for conversational UI. As I’ve prototyped my own bots, built skills, and consulted on others, the guidance I give to other designers has coalesced into a few key areas where particular caution is warranted. Let’s explore five common areas of difficulty found while designing for conversational UI, and a few considerations for emerging from these danger zones unscathed.

Proceed with caution when approaching these five dimensions of conversational UI.

1: Proactivity

As with many before you, you may be tempted to lean into proactive prompting: dialogue delivered to a customer out of turn. Traditional conversational UI is delivered in immediate response to a customer request, but proactive dialog might start a conversation instead of responding.

But before leaping into the proactive void, consider the context. Are you building a bot that lives within another app, like Slack, Teams, Skype, or Messenger? If so, keep in mind your customers probably CANNOT disable notifications for those apps — they need those notifications for the app to provide value. Consequently, if you don’t respect your customer’s boundaries, they’ll have no choice but to cut your bot.



Cheryl Platz

Designer, actress, teacher, speaker, writer, gamer. Author of Design Beyond Devices. Founder of Ideaplatz, LLC. Director of UX, Player Platform @ Riot Games.