My weakness

Muqadas Iqbal
3 min readSep 8, 2021


The state or quality of being weak; lack of strength, firmness, vigor, or the like; feebleness. an inadequate or defective quality, as in a person’s character; slight fault or defect: to show great sympathy for human weaknesses.

Like all others I also have many weakness :

Under confidence

Shy in public speaking

Trust issue

Self criticism


Extremly Extroverted and many more

Here I will explain my only one weakness.

Doing Over trust:

Trust too much on people easily.

Trusting too much could come from just having a good heart, or poor judgement. It can also come from some issues you need to work on. You could have a need for approval, a longing to be loved and accepted, or a lack of boundaries.

Trust is like a mirror. Depending on how badly it’s broken, you can fix it to an extent, but you’re always going to at least see cracks in the reflection. Sure, I’m paraphrasing Beyoncé and Lady Gaga from the "Telephone" video here, but the sentiment rings still extremely true. When someone shatters your trust in a relationship that’s new or old, it can really smash your emotional looking glass and make seeing anything clearly a tough challenge to overcome, no matter how diligently you try. And if you notice your fixation on those cracks hurting your current relationship—even if your issues are deeply rooted and have nothing directly to do with your current relationship—you might be wondering how to get over trust issues

Most of the times, I face many difficult consequences by trusting over on people. Here I will explain my story of over trusting by SOS structure.

Here the situation is ,once I was in my 2nd semester. One of our senior Proffessor assigned us presentation of major subject. I tried my best at that time and make my presentation with super struggle. One of my class fellow ask me about my presentation. I trusted her and gave my ppt to her to take an idea or view. I was unaware that she copied my ppt. When the day of presentation came,she gave presentation before me and I was totally shocked when I saw her presentation it was mine 🥲. Here the obstacle is my own over trusting. I want to improve my weakness by this solution:

  • Be open and honest about what you’ve been through.
  • Ask loved ones for a second opinion.
  • Seek closure from the past, if possible.
  • Be aware that time really does help.
  • Listing my insecurities
  • Practice Forgivness
  • Communicate , communicate and communicate.

