Some Democrats are as loyal as the convicted felon.

Muriel Vieux The Poet
2 min readJun 28, 2024


Don’t take much to sway a certain segment of the democratic party, you know the one I’m talking about. Every other day they got some reason why we should change candidates or why they won’t vote blue. They are as fickle as a cat in heat.

Goodness gracious, the amount of panic created by one debate, because Joe Biden dared to have a cold and not be able to change into his superhero alter ego of Dark Brandon for their enjoyment. One would think the sky had finally fallen.

Never mind that the convicted felon on the other side of the podium was spewing so many lies, Satan himself was in danger of losing his crown. Never mind that the much feared (by the right) moderators acted more like the cult members of the maga branch, all that was missing were the red hats. Our “side” was in a tizzy over Biden. The only person on that stage doing the right thing and speaking the truth.

One has to wonder what the fuck are you people voting for in the end? Is it for your country? Morality? Dignity? Ethics? Right? Justice? Rights? or is it for a person? Someone to blame when something goes wrong, cause you are sure not willing to do your part to ensure the survival of this country and those that live within!

Joe Biden is NOT your savior, YOU are your savior. Biden is but the one we have chosen to represent our values because we see those values in him. So, when I see you turn tail and run every other day, I must wonder if you adhere to the same values or are you just pretending searching for an escape ramp to join the maga cult?

Is your loyalty so fragile that it hangs in the balance of a debate? Isn’t that interesting. So all your speeches before about saving democracy, fighting for the rights of women, and other marginalized folks that was what… lies?

Every single day your masks slip a little lower “ally” … but don’t worry some of us have always known you were never really on the side of democracy. We’re just waiting for you to admit it.

Put on your maga hats already we’re tired of your antics.




Muriel Vieux The Poet

American Haitian Citizen - Haiti is my soul the US is my heart