Muriel Vieux The Poet
2 min readJun 30, 2024

The Reckoning of America

Since the much-promoted debate aired, we have been inundated with calls, from every wavering, flip-flopping, undecided, whatevers, for President Biden to “step down” for the good of America.

I have a better idea, why don’t you all step UP for the good of America? Why don’t you all back up Biden as the maniacs on the right back up their convicted felon?

Why is it that no matter what outrageous, outlandish, unpatriotic, thing the convicted felon does, his followers never waiver. But you fold and crumble at the slightest sign of age that Biden displays? Where is your loyalty to America, when you cannot back up the President who has done the most against the worst odds for this country?

What has Biden done to merit such feeble loyalty from you? What has America done to deserve such weak citizens, such ungrateful children as you? If your fear of losing democracy is so strong then why can you not step UP and vote to save it? Why does its safety depend on your whims of any given moment?

If your hearts were truly set on saving America, it wouldn’t matter if Methuselah himself was the candidate, you would vote blue up and down that ballot and save your country! Because guess what? Even if Biden did step down, I will bet that whoever is put in his place, you will continue to find excuses not to vote for them too! Because ain’t no such thing as a perfect candidate unless you’re in a cult!

So, I ask you again America, when are you going to Step UP! When are you going to do the right thing for the sake of the right thing? When are you going to Step UP to stop fascism? When are you going to Step UP to fight for your eroding rights? When are you going to Step UP to fight for the rights of others? When America When?

The time of reckoning is now and it is YOUR reckoning America. For it is because of YOU that we are in this mess we are today. Because you have failed time and time again to heed the warning signs, you have failed time and time again to Step UP and do the right thing.

You have one last chance to Step UP, to give up your childish and superficial ways and reclaim this country and put it back on the right track, the track of dignity, equity, justice and freedom!

The choice is yours America… will you Step UP or Back Down?


June 29th, 2024

Muriel Vieux The Poet

American Haitian Citizen - Haiti is my soul the US is my heart