Vote — The new weapon of oppression

Muriel Vieux The Poet
2 min readJun 27, 2024


Pitting the needs of one marginalized group against another has always been a winning tactic for those who simply want to suppress the voices of those they do not wish to participate in democracy.

This year is no different, using the suffering and tragedy of the Middle East war adds a layer of guilt tripping into the mix to the delight of the mostly white Christian community who sees the rise of the marginalized in positions of authority as a threat to their hold on power.

Telling marginalized communities that if they vote for their own interests, they are guilty of participating in genocide, that the blood of other brown people is on their hands is one of the most callous tactics used to date to convince us that we are in fact the monsters.

The irony is, those they are using as shields just as Hamas is, will be a hundred times worse off under their leadership. The callousness is, that they tell us we should be willing to sacrifice every progress we have managed to achieve, not to save Palestinians, they’ve got no interest in that, but to show that we are not monsters. To show that we have a conscience, that we are willing to sacrifice ourselves for a cause.

Ain’t that a kicker, those that have never once in their entire history sacrificed anything for another group of human beings, are once again asking marginalized communities to make the sacrifices for them. To be willing to spend a few more decades under a more severe and costly form of oppression under project 25 to show that we care about brown people.

The machination is diabolical. They, who have lopped off our history so that their children will not feel “discomfort” are asking us to endure more discomfort, more inequality, more abuse, more deaths, more torture, so that their lives maybe be more comfortable, and conscience may be at ease.

How is this to help Gazans? No no no we are told, that’s not the point, the point is that “you — Blacks — Women — LGBTQIA — Immigrants — Etc..” can show the world you have morals.

Fuck you. Because while they are telling us to use our votes as weapons, they are not going to withold theirs, no matter how much they tell you they are. They will sneak off and go behind that curtain and pound every single nail on the coffin of your rights and laugh while doing so.

So, my fellow marginalized, take care of what you think you’re fighting for and what is being asked of you, for as sure as Gaza is under threat… so are you.


If you feel like helping me feed some Haitian families, please drop a few dollars in my fundraiser. thank you.



Muriel Vieux The Poet

American Haitian Citizen - Haiti is my soul the US is my heart