You are not fooling Black Folks!
A certain white demographic still can’t get it through their heads, that Black folks can; think, reason, deduce, argue and overall have critical skills and intelligence. Wait, let me correct that, they are very aware of this fact, and that is why they are trying to restore the stereotypes of old with new tricks, so that the public starts to see Blacks once more as less than human.
That is why the various Black people this demographic has “adopted” as mascotts, under their wings are usually a mishmash of old stereotypes, this is to affix and imprint this image of Black inferiority unto the population. That is why Trump is suddenly bringing up criminals on stage, why they promote candidates like Walker and Scott. That is why the media is platforming a host less than knowledgeable Black figures, it is not by “accident” or “ignorance” it is by design.
It is why they are out there claiming that DEI, AA and CRT are in fact detrimental to Black Folks, because it “lowers” the standards, this is to indicate that Blacks are not smart enough for certain jobs, so the standards had to be lowered for them. Fact is standards have not been lowered. But since Black excel in fields they have long been withheld from, an excuse must be made, for it could not be due to our hard work and intellect.
It would come as no surprise to me, that if the right wins, there will be laws mandating the removal of DEI hires at all official levels, judges included, on the grounds that they lack merit. And it will succeed because by that time, the idea that Blacks have been afforded degrees on lowered standards will be firmly implemented.
Look at the characters of Black people that they are presenting to the public. Then while watching those interactions, look at the glint in their eyes and the smirk on their faces, they know what they are doing and those idiots that have fallen for their narratives are destroying years of progress for what? Money? Fame?
You may ask… but why? The why is obvious, look around you, who is rising? Who is shining? Who is outperforming? In all areas? Who?
While for decades we’ve been working overtime, doubling down to catch up, they have been standing still and not progressing for they never figured we would be allowed to catch up, let alone surpass them. They figured the fix was in forever and they would never have to do more than the bare minimum to get by. And suddenly they find themselves dead last in every area. And that has them shook to the core.
But luckily for us, most of us do realize what’s going on and most of us know better than to fall for show and tell. We know our worth, we know our power, the only ones fooled by those shenanigans are ones that by their very colorless nature are predisposed to believe that Black folks are inferior even as we prove them wrong every single day.
In every area of competition and we do it with grace, merit, intellect and fortitude.