California “Wild”fires

Jack Strother Murphy
2 min readDec 8, 2017


As many of you may have heard, there is an increasing epidemic of wildfires in California. Due to the Santa Ana winds, once a fire is started, the dry winds will not hesitate to spread it further and further; killing and destroying anything in it’s path. However, this post is meant to be an eye opener. While most people see these wildfires as just another “natural” disaster, I am here to share the theory that these fires are being intentionally set by arsonists who, quite literally, want to watch the world burn.

As of this moment, there are 43 confirmed deaths as a result of these fires with no end in sight. The fires are continuing to spread through the dry landscape. People have come forward saying that they have seen other people, or arsonists, setting fire to palm trees and other shrubs in communities across the state. These small fires catch wind and then begin to spread causing massive devastation of the land; over one million acres have been burned.

Nearly a day ago, one of the suspected arsonists, named Debra Ann Windholz, was arrested under suspicion that she set fire to 11 areas around Lake Berryessa. Her image is posted below:

If this topic seems interesting to you, I encourage you to do your own research and speculate things for yourself. Everything isn’t always as it seems…

