The Gods and Goddesses of Coding Tutorials

A good teacher is a gift.

Murphy Studebaker
2 min readJul 10, 2019


A good teacher is a gift, and any self-taught programmer knows it. You can copy and paste Stack Overflow solutions until you drop, but if you don’t really understand the fundamentals, you’ll keep hitting roadblocks. When I learn, I like to dive deep, practice with real applications, and understand all the “ifs” and “whys” that might arise.

I present to you the developer resources that I have found to be extremely helpful in my life of learning and building things. If you have a personal favorite to add to the list, please leave them in the comments below!

Tania Rascia

Oh, Tania, my love, my life. I’ve never found another teacher with tutorial blogs quite as detailed or adequately explained as hers. Want to learn React from scratch? Check. Want to create your own Wordpress theme? Check.

With blog posts instead of videos, you can go at your own pace, and she often provides demo projects to practice with while you learn (including their complete source code on GitHub).

Derek Banas

This guy is incredible at reducing complex content into easy, simple nuggets. Derek’s great for his YouTube courses, which dive deep into different languages, frameworks, and fundamentals…

