Empowering Education: Addressing the Learning Gap and Inspiring Change

Brendan J Murray
3 min readJul 7, 2023


Today, I will shed light on students’ challenges in their educational journey. We urgently need to address the learning gap and empower parents to support their children’s academic growth.

Understanding the Learning Gap:

In recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted education worldwide, leaving many students grappling with the learning loss caused by school closures, remote learning challenges, and the overall disruption of their academic routines. As parents and educators, it is essential that we acknowledge the existence of the learning gap and work together to bridge it.

The Extent of the Challenge:

Statistics provide a stark reminder of the profound impact of the learning gap on our students. According to recent studies, a significant percentage of students have fallen behind in key academic areas:

  • Reading Proficiency: It is estimated that over 50% of students are reading below grade level, a concerning trend that demands immediate attention. The ability to read proficiently is a fundamental skill that lays the foundation for success in all subjects.
  • Math Competency: In mathematics, the learning gap is equally alarming. Reports indicate that around 60% of students are performing below grade level, highlighting the urgent need for targeted interventions and support in this critical subject.

Empowering Parents:

Recognizing the essential role parents play in their children’s education, a new campaign aims to empower parents to take an active role in their child’s academic development. The advertising campaign will target the six cities — Boston, Chicago, Houston, New York City, Sacramento County in California, and Washington, D.C. — with displays of side-by-side data showing the percentage of students proficient in math or English in that city and the percentage of parents who think their child is at or above grade level in that subject. By providing parents with resources, guidance, and a deeper understanding of the learning gap, this campaign seeks to foster collaboration between schools, educators, and families.

The Power of Collective Action:

To address the learning gap effectively, it is crucial to create a collective and comprehensive approach. Schools, policymakers, educators, parents, and communities must join forces to implement targeted interventions and support systems. By sharing best practices, engaging in open communication, and investing in professional development, we can create a network of support that ensures no child is left behind.

Investing in Education:

Recognizing the urgent need for increased investment in education, both at the local and national levels, is paramount. Adequate funding allows schools to implement evidence-based strategies, hire additional support staff, and provide resources tailored to address the specific learning needs of each student.

Fostering Student Well-being:

As we strive to bridge the learning gap, it is crucial not to overlook the importance of student well-being. Creating a safe and supportive learning environment, promoting social-emotional learning, and addressing the mental health needs of students are vital components of comprehensive educational reform.

We must remember that change begins with awareness and advocacy. By understanding the challenges students face, we can ignite a transformative movement that ensures every child receives the quality education they deserve.

Let’s work together to empower parents, support educators, and advocate for increased investment in education. This is the true parent’s rights movement. By bridging the learning gap and fostering a holistic approach to education, we empower our students to thrive academically, emotionally, and socially.



Brendan J Murray

Communications | Organizing | Policy Advocacy & Coalition Building | Passionate about Economic, Education and Climate Inclusivity