Part 1: The Search for the Garden of Eden — Unearthing the Mysteries of Ancient Sumeria:

4 min readOct 1, 2023



Have you ever wondered where humanity truly began, beyond the tales of the Garden of Eden? In our quest to understand our origins, we often delve into myths and legends, but what if I told you that there might be factual clues hidden within ancient Sumerian texts?

The notion of seeking something greater than our current reality has persisted throughout human history, and it may have deeper roots than we imagine.

In this article, we’ll uncover the fascinating discoveries and interpretations surrounding the ancient Sumerian civilization and their profound impact on our understanding of human history.

The Search for the Garden of Eden

Our journey begins in southern Iraq, where English archaeologist A. Leonard Woolley embarked on a mission to uncover the fabled Garden of Eden. While his initial goal was to find the Garden, Woolley stumbled upon something equally remarkable: the exact location of the ancient Sumerian city of Ur. Was he getting closer to the truth?

City of UR, Iraq

Deciphering Sumerian Cuneiform

Anton Parks, an Akkadian researcher and author, believes that for centuries, we’ve been translating Sumerian tablets incorrectly. Gary Caitlin, a scientist who worked on Sumerian translations, also shared this fascination. With the correct decoding of Sumerian cuneiform, could we have found the real location of the Garden of Eden?

Recept prihod Asser sumerian clay tablets Persona Interakcija Lutati

The Anunnaki’s Arrival on Earth

According to Sumerian texts, when the Anunnaki, whom many believe came from the Pleiades star cluster, arrived on Earth, they settled on a mountain to create a colony. Their presence on Earth was not without conflict, as a war broke out between matriarchal and patriarchal factions, resulting in the creation of new conditions for life to thrive.


The Enigmatic Gods

Who were these beings known as “Gods”? Surprisingly, they were humanoid beings with reptilian features, not the omnipotent deities of religious lore. It’s estimated that these gods arrived approximately 300,000 years ago, shortly before the appearance of Homo sapiens. They worked with the human genome, collaborating with priestesses known as “in is” to create a new kind of human.

Enki — The God

The Sumerian Creation

In contrast to other creation stories, Sumerian tradition posits that a group of technologically advanced beings collectively created humankind. This collaborative approach differs significantly from monotheistic traditions, raising questions about the true nature of our origins.

The Role of Enki

Chromosome number two, often associated with the work of a master geneticist like Enki, played a crucial role in the modification of human genes. Enki’s experiments aimed to enlighten mankind, leading to conflicts with other gods who opposed his actions. Some humans managed to become independent during this process.

Conflict and the Serpent in the Garden

A conflict between the gods over the use of humans is believed to be the root of the biblical story of the serpent in the Garden of Eden. The Sumerian version of the story refers to the biblical God as “the great satan.” This intriguing parallel between ancient texts challenges conventional religious beliefs.

The Weapon of Knowledge

Could the knowledge bestowed upon humans by Enki be an ancient weapon, as some organizations speculate? Sumerian texts describe a revolt by humans against the Gods, a scene absent from the Bible. This rebellion raises questions about the true nature of Enki and his intentions.

So Far…

The enigmatic story of Ancient Sumeria and the Garden of Eden challenges our understanding of humanity’s origins. The Sumerian tablets, often overlooked in favour of biblical narratives, present a captivating and alternative perspective on our past. As we unravel the mysteries hidden within these ancient texts, we are left pondering the profound impact they may have had on the establishment of religious beliefs and the foundations of our existence. The search for truth continues, guiding us through the annals of history in pursuit of a deeper understanding of our origins and the forces that shaped us.


