Part 2: The Search for the Garden of Eden — The Gnostic Perspective: From Sophia to the Tree of Life

6 min readOct 6, 2023


If you have not already read the part 1, do go and check that part first. This is a complete series and thus you will be better able to understand this part based on the previous one. Hope you are enjoying this read. Have a wonderful day and stay blessed! Here is the link to part 1:


From the dawn of humanity, we have looked to the heavens in search of answers to the ultimate question: Who or what is the creator of all that exists? In our quest to understand our purpose, we have often gazed at the vast expanse of the cosmos. But what if the explanation for our existence is far grander than we ever imagined? What if our universe is not just a collection of stars and planets, but rather, a single cell within a colossal cosmic organism? In this article, we will embark on a journey through ancient texts, lost wisdom, and scientific revelations to uncover the remarkable story of our existence.

Sophia: The Divine Frequency

The ancient Gnostic texts, which emerged in 1945 and held a startling revelation. These texts introduced us to an aeon named Sophia. Sophia was not a deity in the traditional sense; she was a frequency, a cosmic energy that would manifest itself within certain humans and the material realm. This concept challenged our understanding of the universe and hinted at a much deeper connection between us and the cosmos.

Sophia: — Illustration in the form of a divine woman

The Greatest Deception

As we delve deeper into the Gnostic perspective, we encounter a stunning revelation: what we’ve revered as God may not be God at all. The Gnostics claim that the greatest trick ever played was convincing the world that the divine is not what we thought. In Sumerian texts, a great administrator named Satan, or Enlil, sought to enslave humanity, appearing in the Garden of Eden as Yahweh, the biblical God. The serpent, a figure of intrigue, takes on a new meaning.


Ancient Texts and the Sumerian Connection

The Sumerian texts, too, allude to a similar principle. They introduce us to a great administrator named Satan, also known as Enlil, whose aim was to enslave humanity in the Garden of Eden. Enlil later appears as Yahweh, the biblical God. However, the serpent in the Garden has its roots in Sumerian lore. Could these ancient texts be pointing to a hidden truth about our origins?

The Mysterious Brain Degeneration

In 2003, science uncovered a puzzling brain degeneration linked to a mysterious molecule called PP1. Humans, at a certain point, seem predisposed to forget. In contrast, ancient cultures had an uncanny ability to pass down their myths and knowledge across generations. Could these myths hold the key to the universe’s purpose?

Epigenetic and non-coding RNA mechanisms

The Quantum Perspective

Delving into the realm of quantum physics, we encounter the creation of matter from energy. Could Sophia’s frequency transcend into our physical universe? The Gnostic texts hold the answers. Sophia enters a dream-like state, envisioning a singularity that tears through reality’s layers, birthing the Demiurge. If Sophia is the creator of our divine spark, could the Demiurge be the creator of matter?

The Demiurge’s Dark Agenda

According to Graham Hancock, the Demiurge is the figure we might equate with the biblical God or the creator of the universe. This being harbors motives that aren’t entirely benevolent, aiming to extinguish humanity’s divine spark and keep us as mere creatures. Archons, created by the Demiurge, maintain the universe as a prison for souls. It’s a world turned upside-down, a plotline straight out of science fiction.


Sophia Across Cultures

The theme of Sophia appears in various cultures, from Egyptian to Sumerian. She is a supreme goddess, an archetype of the mother goddess, and a creator of new beings. The battle between matriarchal and patriarchal energies unfolds in these ancient texts.

The Return of Sophia

As we explore these narratives further, we find a common thread: the return of Sophia to the Godhead. This return is described as a burst of light that transforms the very fabric of existence. It echoes prophecies seen throughout history.

Return Of Sophia

So far…

Our journey through ancient texts, hidden wisdom, and scientific insights has revealed a complex and interconnected narrative. It challenges our perception of the universe, suggesting that the true creators of the Garden of Eden may have planted a seed on Earth. In the next part of our exploration, we will delve into the Tree of Life and its profound impact on our world.

Stay tuned for the next chapter in our quest to unveil the secrets of our existence!!

Part 3 is up Check out this part to have better comprehension of how everything is related and how conjointly it help us to reveal the bigger and hidden picture of our existence. Join me for the part 3. Here is the link:

For more information on this topic, do check out the video this well thorough video series by Gaia:

